Asia Pacific Security

Spying row: Why Indonesia is tougher on Canberra than on Washington
Australia has copped the ire and sarcasm of Indonesian foreign minister Marty Natalegawa over fresh spying allegations reported in the New York Times last weekend. Meanwhile, the…
Indo-Pacific security links: Kerry in Jakarta, Japan-China history, the pivot, Top Gun and more
Brendan Thomas-Noone is an intern in the Lowy Institute's International Security Program. Multiple lines of communication over maritime, nuclear and space issues are what helped…
China's navy showing its inexperience on the open oceans
The US Navy has formed the view that the November 2013 incident between the American cruiser Cowpens and the Chinese carrier group arose directly from the PLA Navy's lack of…
China's naval exercise: Jakarta Post story raises new questions
China's Indo-Pacific naval exercise, which I first analysed in this post, is continuing to make waves, with David Wroe of the Sydney Morning Herald providing this good wrap-up on…
Bangun dari Tidur, Lihat Kekuatan Angkatan Laut China
Bangun dari Tidur, Lihat Kekuatan Angkatan Laut China
In this Indonesian-language article for Media Indonesia, Rory Medcalf and Dr C Raja Mohan explore the strategic implications of China's recent naval foray into the waters…
India-Japan ties in the face of a rising China
India-Japan ties in the face of a rising China
India-Japan ties in the face of a rising ChinaDanielle RajendramChina-India Brief # 20Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy28 January 2014Please click here for the full online text…
Sea change of China power
Sea change of China power
In this op-ed for The Australian, Rory Medcalf and C Raja Mohan look at the strategic implications of China's naval foray into the waters between Indonesia and…
China makes statement as it sends naval ships off Australia's maritime approaches
Australia's strategic environment changed a week ago, even if much of our media did not notice. Last weekend, a Chinese taskforce of three warships steamed south through the…
Three notes on the State of the Union
1. The importance of Asia to America Robert Kelly's outstanding contribution on the absence of Asia from Obama's State of the Union speech deserves a brief addendum. Here's a…
The State of the Union scarcely mentioned Asia – and that's no surprise
US presidential State of the Union addresses (SotU) are frequently as important for what the leave out as what they include. President Obama’s SotU, delivered yesterday in…