Asia and Pacific

Reader riposte: In defence of China's air-defence zone
Michael Li responds to Jerry Nockles' article: The claim that the greatest danger of China's rise is miscalculation is correct, but surely the creation of an air defence…
Indonesia's strange, promising 'code of ethics' gambit
Responding to Prime Minister Abbott's letter on the spying controversy on Tuesday, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono floated the idea of a 'code of ethics' to set the bilateral…
East China Sea: Australia digs an even deeper hole
It would be entirely appropriate for the Australian Government to call in China's ambassador to explain why Beijing was harming Australia's interests in a very obvious way. If…
What's wrong with China's Air Defence Identification Zone (and what's not)
China’s announcement of an Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) in the East China Sea has come in for widespread criticism, including from Japan, the US and Australia. Already,…
Paul Keating on China's responsibilities
Introductory note from Lowy Institute Executive Director Michael Fullilove: In an Interpreter exclusive, we reproduce below an address given by former Prime Minister Paul Keating…
Australia and the Burma/Myanmar name debate
Aung San Suu Kyi's visit to Australia this week will throw into sharp relief several aspects of Australia's relationship with Burma. One will be the name by which her country is…
How effective are Indonesia's efforts to stop asylum seekers?
Dr Antje Missbach is the McKenzie Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne. This piece draws on data she collected during 11 months of fieldwork…
Kurt Campbell's 2013 Owen Harries Lecture
Last Thursday's inaugural Owen Harries Lecture by former US Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell will live long in the memory of the packed audience at the Lowy Institute,…
China's ideological deficit
This is the third part of my interview with Damien Ma and William Adams, co-authors of In Line Behind a Billion People: How Scarcity will Define China's Ascent in the Next Decade…
China-Taiwan diplomatic rivalry gives way to new maturity
Philippa Brant is a Lowy Institute Research Associate. Gambia recently announced it had terminated diplomatic ties with Taiwan after eighteen years. This marks the first…