Asia and Pacific

*SBY*, the tweeting president
The second round of the Australia-Indonesia spying stoush has now rolled on for a week, and attention is turning to the longer term implications for the relationship. As I've…
Why Indonesia is angry, and what to do about it
Greta Nabbs-Keller is a Brisbane-based consultant who has recently submitted a PhD examining the impact of democratisation on Indonesia's foreign policy. To construe Indonesia's…
The boats and the dreams of those aboard
Remember those two journalists found on-board an asylum-seeker boat off Christmas Island in September? If you want to know what they were doing there and what they saw and heard,…
Abbott's failure to listen escalates spying row
Abbott's failure to listen escalates spying row
In an opinion piece in The Drum, Lowy Institute Research Fellow Dr Dave McRae says that Tony Abbott's failure to proactively defuse the spying row with Indonesia has…
Will Asia's rapid growth continue?
Convergence – the catch-up process whereby poor economies grow substantially faster than the mature economies – may be the most important economic story in the past fifty years…
Diplomatic fallout from the latest Snowden revelations
The Guardian and the ABC have released information from Edward Snowden alleging that the Australian Defence Signals Directorate (DSD, now the Australian Signals Directorate)…
Bilateral talks offer chance to set record straight
Bilateral talks offer chance to set record straight
Australia must endeavour to seek clarity from the US about the superpower's intentions and expectations for the Indo-Pacific Asia region.Rory Medcalf
Is Australia defendable?
James Goldrick has raised two very important issues in his latest contribution to our conversation about maritime strategy for Australia*. The first concerns the circumstances…
China throws away a chance to lead
China throws away a chance to lead
In this piece for the Wall Street Journal, Rory Medcalf argues that China has allowed its territorial dispute in the South China Sea to distort its diplomatic response to Typhoon…
Secrecy, intellectual property and the TPP
WikiLeaks has turned its attention to the Trans Pacific Partnership. The press, in Australia and overseas, has noticed.  The Interpreter has previously drawn attention to the…