Asia and Pacific

China-India: Dr Singh goes to Beijing
Shashank Joshi is a doctoral student at Harvard University's Department of Government and a Research Fellow of the Royal United Services Institute, London. He tweets here. Indian…
China's aid program: Why the numbers matter
Dr Philippa Brant is a Lowy Institute Research Associate. China’s aid policy, like almost everything China does on the world stage, attracts close scrutiny and often…
Reader riposte: Human trafficking in Vietnam
Meke Kamps, previously the Manager of Blue Dragon Children's Foundation (2009-11) and now a Blue Dragon board member, writes: I am contacting you after reading your article on…
Japan-China: Why Australia should embrace ambiguity
Robert Ayson is a Visiting Fellow with the ANU's Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, on research leave from the Centre for Strategic Studies at Victoria University of Wellington…
Undercurrents of Sino-Japanese discord
Rikki Kersten is Professor of Modern Japanese Political History in the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific. Malcolm Cook is right – the Japanese are indeed worried about the…
Yes, Japan is worried about China, but not enough to change its constitution
William Hobart is Lowy Institute International Security intern and an AIIA NSW Councillor. Japanese policy-makers are alarmed about China, but they still struggle to channel this…
Yes, Japan is alarmed by China's rise
Having been to Tokyo twice in the last two weeks* for interviews and workshops on Japan-China-Korea relations and Japan-Australia relations, my answer to Sam’s query (Is Japan…
Is Japan alarmed by China's rise?
The FT's Gideon Rachman on Japan's security fears (emphasis mine):  Abe’s radicalism is not driven solely by domestic economics. Japan has also been jolted into action by the…
Reintegrating victims of human trafficking: Evidence from the Greater Mekong
Marty Harris is an assistant digital editor at the Lowy Institute. Determining the number of people trafficked worldwide is exceedingly difficult, and of course the number of…
Movie trailer: A Touch of Sin
I'm late to A Touch of Sin, as it has already screened at the Melbourne International Film Festival, but on the strength of this trailer and some of the reviews, I'll be looking…