Asia and Pacific

Rubbery figures: Chinese military R&D
Dennis Blasko is a Senior Research Scientist in China Studies for CNA Analysis & Solutions. Senior Research Scientist, China Studies Senior Research Scientist, China Studies For…
Words fail Australia, and anger China, at the Trilateral Strategic Dialogue
Robert Ayson is a Visiting Fellow with the ANU's Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, on research leave from the Centre for Strategic Studies at Victoria University of Wellington…
Cambodian election aftermath: Quiet flows the Mekong
Contrary to some media reports and photographs of razor wire in the streets, Phnom Penh has appeared calm over the past four days I have been here. Yesterday morning there was a…
China's really big military R&D effort
The scale of China's military research and development effort has been underestimated in the open source literature, perhaps by as much as 50%, says Associate Professor Tai Ming…
Progress and the Party: Social(ist) tensions in Vietnam
Elliot Brennan is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Security and Development Policy (Sweden) and a Non-Resident Fellow at the Pacific Forum-Center for Strategic and…
Challenges ahead for the Indonesia relationship
Challenges ahead for the Indonesia relationship
In an opinion piece in The Drum, Lowy Institute Research Fellow Dr Dave McRae says Prime Minister Tony Abbott's visit to Indonesia was a positive, but four genuine challenges…
Reader ripostes: The Guardian's flawed Indonesia quiz
Stephen Grenville writes: Nicholas Stuart is right in spotting an error in The Guardian’s Indonesia Quiz, but he misses the best part of the British connection in only…
Obama's Asia trip and the credibility of the pivot
Michael Green served on the US National Security Council staff from 2001-2005. He is now Senior Vice President for Asia at CSIS and a non-resident fellow at the Lowy Institute. …
Obama's Asia trip and the credibility of the pivot
Michael Green served on the US National Security Council staff from 2001-2005. He is now Senior Vice President for Asia at CSIS and a non-resident fellow at the Lowy Institute…
How Indonesia's print media saw the Abbott visit
Yesterday Sam Roggeveen provided English-language links to coverage of Prime Minister Abbott's visit to Indonesia. This post looks at the Indonesian language print media on…