Asia and Pacific

1945: The roots of Japanese pacifism
Ian Buruma is the author of Year Zero: A History of 1945, which is getting strong reviews. Here's a long interview with the author, of which a few choice extracts below: In Japan…
What to do about Indonesia's notorious infrastructure
Indonesia’s infrastructure is notoriously deficient. Installed electricity capacity per capita is one-third of China’s. Port congestion hinders exports. Planes are landing on…
Nuclear weapons: the state of play
Nuclear weapons: the state of play
Nuclear weapons: the state of playJohn Carlson, AM (contributor)CNND report, March 2013 Please click here for full text.John Carlson
Improving nuclear security governance in the Asia-Pacific
Improving nuclear security governance in the Asia-Pacific
Improving nuclear security governance in the Asia-PacificJohn Carlson, AMAPLN/CNND Policy Brief, No. 5, June 2013 Please click here for full text.John Carlson
An Asia-Pacific nuclear energy community
An Asia-Pacific nuclear energy community
An Asia-Pacific nuclear energy communityJohn Carlson, AMAPLN/CNND Policy Brief, No. 4, June 2013 Please click here for full text.John Carlson
Lowy Lecture Series: 'Indo-Pacific balancing act - In search of a middle power coalition' by Dr C. Raja Mohan
Lowy Lecture Series: 'Indo-Pacific balancing act - In search of a middle power coalition' by Dr C. Raja Mohan
On 9 October 2013, leading Indian strategic thinker and Lowy Institute Nonresident Fellow Dr C Raja Mohan delivered a public lecture on the prospects of developing a middle…
Indo-Pacific security links
'Indo-Pacific' is an increasingly recognised term in the analysis of Asian strategic issues. Of course, there’s debate about what it means and the extent to which such a super…
A maritime school of strategic thought for Australia
In hindsight, 2012-13 might come to be seen as a watershed period for maritime strategic thinking in Australian defence policy. During the 37 years that Australian governments…
'Don't annoy the dragon' is not a foreign policy
My thanks Rob Ayson for responding promptly to my post on Japan and Japan-China relations. Rob says my post reaffirmed his worries about Australia’s management of the…
India's subtle China strategy
India's subtle China strategy
In this article for The National Interest, Danielle Rajendram argues that India deserves more credit for the way it has managed its relations with China in the face of…