
Why North Korea wants an arms control deal with the United States
Why North Korea wants an arms control deal with the United States
North Korea held its 8th Congress of the ruling Workers’ Party last week to set the country’s political and economic trajectory for the coming years after an uncertain 2020. One…
In the defining year of his presidency, Joko Widodo faces an incredibly difficult challenge
In the defining year of his presidency, Joko Widodo faces an incredibly difficult challenge
Originally published in the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.
Australia's relationship with China can survive – but it won't be the same again
Australia's relationship with China can survive – but it won't be the same again
There can be no return to the relations of the past. The question for 2021 is how to find a new settling point. Originally published in The Guardian.
The China challenge: Highlights of The Interpreter in 2020
The China challenge: Highlights of The Interpreter in 2020
Interpreter columnist Greg Earl started the year noting the economic challenge of the two big Cs – China and climate change. A few weeks later, there was suddenly a third: corona…
A missile spotter’s guide to North Korea (and beyond)
A missile spotter’s guide to North Korea (and beyond)
On 10 October, North Korea added to the woes of 2020 with an enormous military parade that revealed, among other weapons, what appeared to be an enormous new road-mobile…
Can Modi calm the farm?
Can Modi calm the farm?
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has always been coated in Teflon: the kinds of policies and actions that would have brought down other leaders have barely left a dent in his…
Washington’s warped Asia policy debate
Washington’s warped Asia policy debate
US President-elect Joe Biden’s decision to select retired Army General Lloyd Austin to be his Secretary of Defense triggered a somewhat predictable set of hot takes among US…
When China lashed out
When China lashed out
On the wintry night of 27 November 1950, Chinese troops suddenly descended upon the US 1st Marine Division and the 31st Regimental Combat Team around the frozen Chosin Reservoir,…
Russia and China team up on the Indian Ocean
Russia and China team up on the Indian Ocean
Two recent naval exercises demonstrate the potential for Russia-China cooperation in the Indian Ocean, and how the two present a much greater threat to a continued US role…
Australia-Indonesia relations need to talk the talk
Australia-Indonesia relations need to talk the talk
This year has been one of great tumult at Australian universities. Not least are the nonsensical proposals to axe Indonesian language programs by several universities, such…