
India should prioritise a denial strategy in the Indian Ocean
India should prioritise a denial strategy in the Indian Ocean
To break the border stand-off between India and China in the Himalayas, some Indian analysts have advocated going on the offensive against China in the Indian Ocean. But that…
Myanmar: Calling a coup a coup
Myanmar: Calling a coup a coup
The military takeover in Myanmar on 1 February was clearly unconstitutional, although there has been little detailed investigation of why. The US State Department announced that…
Pacific development outlook for 2021
Pacific development outlook for 2021
Pacific nations have mostly escaped the heavy death toll and hospital bed shortages faced by Western countries battling Covid-19, but the pandemic has dealt a disproportionately…
What APEC has to offer in 2021
What APEC has to offer in 2021
It’s almost a year since the world changed. We now know that we are in for the long haul with the pandemic and that 2021 too is going to be difficult. The unseemly scramble over…
Messages from China’s third white paper on foreign aid
Messages from China’s third white paper on foreign aid
In January, the Chinese government released its third white paper on foreign aid, entitled “China’s International Development Cooperation in the New Era”. It is worth taking…
What does America think the rules-based order is for?
What does America think the rules-based order is for?
This week we launched the latest project to emerge from the Lowy’s Institute’s Australia’s Security and the Rules-Based Order project, a debate feature on America and…
History haunts Japan–South Korea ties
History haunts Japan–South Korea ties
The Seoul Central District Court last month delivered a verdict requiring the Japanese government to pay $US91,000 to 12 former “comfort women” who endured sexual slavery during…
Myanmar’s empty promise of constitutional reform
Myanmar’s empty promise of constitutional reform
Myanmar’s political transition in 2011 was only ever a partial one. After all, the country moved from direct military rule without a constitution to a constitutional system…
A “beggar-thy-neighbour” approach keeps seafarers stranded
A “beggar-thy-neighbour” approach keeps seafarers stranded
When a business manager is willing to spend US$200,000 to send home five employees whose contracts have expired and bring five colleagues to replace them on the spot, later…
The coup in Myanmar: What do we know?
The coup in Myanmar: What do we know?
On 1 February, Myanmar’s armed forces (or Tatmadaw) declared a one-year state of emergency, arrested State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and detained more than 50 politicians and…