
The Irrepressibles tame the Invincibles in their impregnable fortress
The Irrepressibles tame the Invincibles in their impregnable fortress
Bliss it was to be a cricket aficionado in Australia at dusk yesterday as the shadows lengthened at the Gabba and the players were bathed in soft golden sunlight. To be an Indian…
Japan under Suga: The delicate balancing act
Japan under Suga: The delicate balancing act
The calm but staunch assertion by China’s Defence Minister Wei Fenghe last month that the Japan-administered islands in the East China Sea belong to China is…
Wrong place, wrong citizenship: The tribulations of the “Two Michaels”
Wrong place, wrong citizenship: The tribulations of the “Two Michaels”
It has been now 772 days since Michael Kovrig, a diplomat on leave from Canada’s foreign ministry, and Michael Spavor, a Canadian business consultant living in China, were…
Australia’s Pacific Step-up and the Quad
Australia’s Pacific Step-up and the Quad
The growing synergy among the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue powers of Australia, Japan, the United States and India has provided a crucial impetus to the security architecture…
Resisting uncertainty, Malaysia is finding itself
Resisting uncertainty, Malaysia is finding itself
Malaysia is in a quandary, desperately trying to figure out how to resolve political and economic questions. The fragmentation of the Malaysian market for votes is at a point it…
Boys’ love brings edgy drama to China, and a backlash
Boys’ love brings edgy drama to China, and a backlash
For years, Chinese television dramas were the poor cousins of Japanese, Korean and Taiwanese soap operas. A 2018 Chinese remake of the Taiwanese show Meteor Garden is a good…
India launches its mammoth vaccine drive
India launches its mammoth vaccine drive
India officially launches its Covid vaccination program tomorrow (16 January) in a major logistical exercise aiming to inoculate hundreds of millions of people. And with it, the…
The cleric shell game in Indonesia
The cleric shell game in Indonesia
When Indonesian authorities recently banned well-known extremist group the Islamic Defenders’ Front (FPI) – having first arrested its leader, Rizieq Shihab – many…
America’s troubles ahead in the Asia-Pacific
America’s troubles ahead in the Asia-Pacific
Donald Trump has now become the first US president in history to be impeached twice, this time for “incitement of insurrection” for his role in last week’s violence in Washington…
Indonesia lags on renewable energy, and pays the price
Indonesia lags on renewable energy, and pays the price
Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s vision to make the country a destination for foreign company investments neglects the growing demand for clean energy. RE100, a group…