
The intractable mess in Jammu and Kashmir
The intractable mess in Jammu and Kashmir
It is impossible to know what is actually happening in Kashmir. Since 4 August, Indian forces have effectively incarcerated the region, with people kept indoors and more than 1600…
The Philippine standoff over China
The Philippine standoff over China
Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte is scheduled to arrive in China on Wednesday for his fifth presidential visit to China in less than three years. His predecessor, President…
Dengue spirals out of control in the Philippines
Dengue spirals out of control in the Philippines
The recent declaration of a national dengue fever epidemic in the Philippines has sounded a public-health alarm in the Western Pacific, as cases of the tropical virus continue to…
Deep fakes could have real consequences for Southeast Asia
Deep fakes could have real consequences for Southeast Asia
In Malaysia, a sex-tape scandal engulfing the country in recent months has threatened to destabilise the governing coalition. While the tape has been determined by the police to…
A middle-power moment
A middle-power moment
“Small states like Singapore can do little to influence the big powers, but we are not entirely without agency.” When Lee Hsien Loong delivered his keynote at the Shangri-La…
Modi vs Wild: Political survivor
Modi vs Wild: Political survivor
One, a rugged survivalist with a penchant for striding through dangerous terrain, accompanied only by a television crew. The other, the man who holds the hearts, minds, and fates…
In Malaysia, flipping over the script
In Malaysia, flipping over the script
When Sin Chew Daily, the largest Chinese daily in Malaysia, recently headlined a Ministry of Education proposal to introduce a few pages of calligraphy in the Malay-language…
After the attack: Supporting victims of terrorism in Indonesia
After the attack: Supporting victims of terrorism in Indonesia
Terrorist attacks inevitably generate frenetic global media coverage, with pundits examining motives, ascertaining network links, and theorising new developments or political…
Battleground states: Twitter and Facebook ban Chinese-linked accounts
Battleground states: Twitter and Facebook ban Chinese-linked accounts
You will have seen the news, possibly on Facebook or Twitter. This week, Facebook and Twitter announced that they had addressed coordinated activity on each of their platforms…
Houses divided
Houses divided
Many of The Interpreter’s readers are experts on the theory and conduct of international relations. So, quite reasonably, they look at armed conflict through the lens of inter…