
Hong Kong: popular protests, live-streamed
Hong Kong: popular protests, live-streamed
On Sunday, more than 1.7 million Hongkongers braved torrential rain for yet another massive and peaceful rally. The astonishing size of the turnout might have caught some people…
Once more with feeling: Russia and the Asia-Pacific
Once more with feeling: Russia and the Asia-Pacific
How Moscow is rebooting the ‘turn to the East’ as part of its global strategy
All may not be smooth along China’s Digital Silk Road
All may not be smooth along China’s Digital Silk Road
Make no mistake about China’s vast and continuous trajectory of technological expansionism. Even as the US aims to ring-fence Huawei’s reach into the US and overseas…
Narendra Modi’s nudge diplomacy
Narendra Modi’s nudge diplomacy
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speech last week from the ramparts of the Red Fort in New Delhi to mark India’s Independence Day carefully delineated his new strategic and foreign…
Japan’s imperial ghosts lurk well beyond Korea
Japan’s imperial ghosts lurk well beyond Korea
Friction between South Korea and Japan has intensified in recent months, with serious implications ­in the economic and security realms. Tokyo has taken steps to impose export…
Indonesia should put more energy into renewable power
Indonesia should put more energy into renewable power
Air pollution is worsening in Jakarta and West Java, while tens of millions of people experienced a day-long blackout earlier this month after gas-powered electricity generators…
Timor-Leste, 20 years on
Timor-Leste, 20 years on
This month, Timor-Leste is in a festive mood, celebrating the 20th anniversary of its independence referendum. On 30 August 1999, the people of Timor-Leste cast their ballots in a…
The Vanguard Bank standoff shows China remains undeterred
The Vanguard Bank standoff shows China remains undeterred
Tensions have risen once again in the South China Sea. For weeks, Chinese and Vietnamese coastguard vessels have been involved in a confrontation after the Chinese survey ship…
Economic diplomacy: China dependency and a notable departure
Economic diplomacy: China dependency and a notable departure
Switch hitting If Australia’s senior international ministers were surprised by the sharpness of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s approach to economic dependence on China at…
Indonesia: the injustice system
Indonesia: the injustice system
It has been a rough few months for Indonesia’s already beleaguered legal system: two cases, alike yet different, highlighting how minority groups continue to be disenfranchised…