Australia and Asia

Whitlam's visionary leadership on Indonesia
As commentators rightly eulogise Gough Whitlam's foreign policy achievements, most of the attention has focused on his grand outreach to communist China and the independence of…
Quick Comment: Jokowi should enjoy the party while he can
As Catriona Croft-Cusworth’s commentary and photos showed, there is a celebratory mood in Jakarta this week with the inauguration of Jokowi as Indonesia’s new president. In the…
Jokowi's maritime inaugural address
The inauguration speech of Indonesia's 7th President, Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo, was powerful despite its brevity, or perhaps because of it. It contained a striking blend of personal…
Australia needs a role in Asia's emerging economy boom
With other international institutions reiterating their forecasts of declining growth in the emerging economies, the latest Asian Development Bank Outlook Update has a more…
Corruption in China: The cultural divide
Since Xi Jinping took over the multiple reins of leadership in China he has overseen an unprecedented crackdown on corruption. Government officials at heights or with connections…
Is Abbott spreading Australia too thin?
Two months ago, as Prime Minister Abbott's globalist reflexes were becoming increasingly apparent, I offered a perspective from Washington that the US should welcome a more…
Abbott's first year: What the pundits get wrong
So, the first-year assessments are in, and it seems the Abbott Government has done well on foreign policy. Mark Kenny says Abbott has established 'a solid profile as a man of…
Indonesia-Australia code of conduct: Canberra made no concessions
Sam Roggeveen is certainly right to praise the achievement of an Australia-Indonesia Code of Conduct. There is, however, an additional point to be made. The ambiguity of the text…
What Julie Bishop told China about Clive Palmer
Here's Business Spectator's Fergus Ryan on Clive Palmer's Monday evening TV outburst about China: It was only after Julie Bishop apologised to the Chinese embassy that the…
Does Abbott understand the China challenge?
Sam Roggeveen says that Mr Abe's visit last week, and Julie Bishop's interview with John Garnaut, show that the Abbott Government now accepts there is a serious strategic…