Australia and Asia

Can Australia-India ties flourish if governments are asleep?
It is said that 'India grows at night while the government is asleep'. The message is that the economy would grow faster if government got out of the way. This phrase was adapted…
East China Sea: Is Australia hitting the 'pause' button on the Japan relationship?
Maybe Robert E Kelly is right that there has been too much gnashing of teeth and tearing of clothes over the very short change given to Asia in Barack Obama’s 2014 State of the…
What Peter Cosgrove thinks about Indonesia
Australia's incoming Governor-General has put many of his thoughts to paper in various publications and talks in recent years. No doubt they will be subject to close examination…
Australia-China relations off the rails? Not so fast
Former Australian ambassador to China Dr Stephen FitzGerald threw brickbats at the Abbott Government this week. In a guest post on John Menadue's blog, Fitzgerald took aim at the…
Australia-Indonesia relations: Getting ahead of the curve
Gary Hogan brings a light touch to explaining the otherwise depressing oscillations of the Australian-Indonesian relationship, but his sine-wave theory conveys the wrong policy…
Snowden leaks now hurting US exports, so is spying worth it?
Yesterday Peter McCawley noted that revelations of Australian spying on Indonesia are threatening to damage bilateral trade talks. Today, more evidence that the Snowden leaks are…
Spying on Kristiani Herawati: A loss of judgement
The Weekend Australian carried a ‘well-sourced’ article defending our listening in on Kristiani Herawati, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's wife. Quoting the usual …