Australia and Asia

Australia-Japan defence agreement: Normal, not extraordinary
If, as expected, Australia and Japan sign a defence equipment agreement today, this should be seen as a normal and welcome development in the bilateral relationship (as ASPI's…
What Abbott's business delegation can learn in Japan, Korea and China
Prime Minister Abbott's team for his current visit to Japan, South Korea and China is certainly business-heavy. So too was his warm-up speech,  which one observer suggested might…
Abbott to sign security pact with Japan, but what will he offer China?
Media reports predict that Australia and Japan will sign a historic defence and security pact when Prime Minister Tony Abbott visits Japan this weekend. If this news is accurate,…
Abbott goes to Asia: The security dimension
Prime Minister Abbott poses with the leaders of the Chinese, Japanese and South Korean military efforts searching for MH370 at RAAF Base Pearce. Tony Abbott is about to depart…
Abbott sees a more liberal China ahead
Well, all glory is indeed fleeting. Having just given The Interpreter a pat on the back for our Asia coverage, I'm embarrassed to admit that we are late to Prime Minister Abbott…
Don't let fear stand in the way of a debate on a larger Australia
Australia's founding governor, Arthur Philip, expected the settlement he led would in time become 'the Empire of the East'. In his important and timely National Press Club…
Down under? Boxing kangaroos? Australia's outdated self-image
Nick Bryant is the author of the forthcoming book The Rise and Fall of Australia. Australia requires a rhetorical rethink, for the language used to describe itself is…
Australia-Indonesia relations: It's always personal
The men and women who operate the levers of power in Indonesia know us far better than we know them.  President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's Cabinet contains several members with…
Incompetence: Australia's incursions into Indonesian waters
The Joint Review of the incursions by Australian vessels into Indonesian waters conducted by the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (ACBPS) and the Australian…
Spying row: Why Indonesia is tougher on Canberra than on Washington
Australia has copped the ire and sarcasm of Indonesian foreign minister Marty Natalegawa over fresh spying allegations reported in the New York Times last weekend. Meanwhile, the…