Australia and Asia

Managing economic risk in Asia: A strategy for Australia
Managing economic risk in Asia: A strategy for Australia
Barry Sterland’s new Lowy Analysis explores the possibility of a future economic crisis in our region – this is not today’s problem, but something we should be prepared for. The…
Using economic diplomacy to reduce financial risks in Asia
Using economic diplomacy to reduce financial risks in Asia
If Australia’s economic future lies in Asia, then managing the risk of financial crises in the region should be a top concern. Especially as any crisis could also have significant…
‘Suicide note’?: Turnbull’s North Korea rhetoric will no longer wash
‘Suicide note’?: Turnbull’s North Korea rhetoric will no longer wash
Here are a few quotes from Prime Minister Turnbull today after North Korea's latest ballistic missile test: This is a sign, I believe, of their frustration at the increased…
A revived Quad won't help Australia
A revived Quad won't help Australia
The resurrection of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QSD), a proposal that would bring Australia into a strategic grouping with India, Japan and the US, has again been floated…
Where India fits in an activist Australian foreign policy
Where India fits in an activist Australian foreign policy
There can be little doubt that Prime Minister Turnbull’s recent visit to New Delhi has started to close the gap between where that country sits in the Australian strategic…
India remains cautious about the 'quad'
India remains cautious about the 'quad'
Days after Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull returned from a successful visit to India, speculation emerged that New Delhi might reject Canberra's request for…
Turnbull’s India visit an opportunity to revive the Quad
Turnbull’s India visit an opportunity to revive the Quad
Economics is likely to dominate the agenda during Malcolm Turnbull's visit to India this week, his first trip to New Delhi as prime minister. That makes sense. No longer the ‘sick…
Defending the liberal order takes more than rhetoric
Defending the liberal order takes more than rhetoric
Julie Bishop’s recent speech in Singapore was out of date and stale. Her remarks exhibited two major and ongoing flaws in the government’s foreign policy thinking. The first is…
Asia in the Age of Uncertainty
Asia in the Age of Uncertainty
In the context of an increasingly demanding security environment in Asia, the Lowy Institute joined with five research partners in Asia Pacific in a six-nation 2016…
Barnaby Joyce's mixed messaging on property rights
Barnaby Joyce's mixed messaging on property rights
There’s been a good deal of mixed messaging coming from Australia's Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce recently. This week he made headlines by declaring to an audience …