Australia and Asia

Scott Morrison must balance our role between great powers
Scott Morrison must balance our role between great powers
Originally published in The Australian.
Journalists are just pawns in China’s bigger game
Journalists are just pawns in China’s bigger game
Originally published in The Australian.
The Costs of COVID: Australia's Economic Prospects in a Wounded World
The Costs of COVID: Australia's Economic Prospects in a Wounded World
Despite a COVID-constrained global economy, rising unemployment and high government debt, meeting the fiscal challenge is within Australia's means
China has wine in its firing line – will Scott Morrison bail out Australian producers?
China has wine in its firing line – will Scott Morrison bail out Australian producers?
With sanctions already in place against beef and barley, Beijing’s ‘anti-dumping’ investigation is designed to punish Canberra over political disputes. Originally published in The…
Brookings Report: Historical tensions and contemporary governance challenges in Southeast Asia: The case of Indonesia
Brookings Report: Historical tensions and contemporary governance challenges in Southeast Asia: The case of Indonesia
In this report published by the Brookings Institution, Ben Bland explains why Western nations need to engage with Indonesia in its own right, not as a part of plan to…
For all its bluster, China knows Australia isn't merely doing the bidding of the US
For all its bluster, China knows Australia isn't merely doing the bidding of the US
There are signs that Beijing recognises Australia’s positions on Hong Kong, Taiwan and Xinjiang are based on its own interests. Originally published in The Guardian.
Why Australia hasn't given up on a rules-based world order
Why Australia hasn't given up on a rules-based world order
Putting 'negative globalism' talk aside, strategic shocks are forcing Canberra to think about an international system that can protect sovereignty and prevent great power conflict…
Who’s afraid of China’s big bad wolf warriors?
Who’s afraid of China’s big bad wolf warriors?
Originally published in The Australian.
Get behind Southeast Asia with clear policy against China bullies
Get behind Southeast Asia with clear policy against China bullies
Originally published in The Australian.
Keeping Indonesia’s Economy Afloat Through the COVID-19 Pandemic
Policy Briefs
Keeping Indonesia’s Economy Afloat Through the COVID-19 Pandemic
Well-crafted emergency financing from Bank Indonesia and international partners such as Australia could be pivotal in getting Indonesia through this crisis