Australia and Asia

The opportunities of cross-public service diplomacy
The opportunities of cross-public service diplomacy
When people think about Australian diplomacy they think of diplomats, embassies and the work of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). But the relationships that…
Becoming a republic will improve Australia’s image in Asia
Becoming a republic will improve Australia’s image in Asia
Almost three years after his address to the Australian Republic Movement (ARM) dinner in November 2019, Anthony Albanese, then leader of the opposition and now prime minister, has…
Wong’s own brand of diplomacy: will it work?
Wong’s own brand of diplomacy: will it work?
Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong has travelled non-stop, more or less, since her appointment on 23 May, having flown off to Tokyo for the Quad leaders’ summit one…
Why Australia shouldn’t put all its eggs in the Quad basket
Why Australia shouldn’t put all its eggs in the Quad basket
Since its resurrection in late 2017, the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) between Australia, India, Japan and the United States has gradually become a centrepiece of…
Strategic divergence: Australia’s Southeast Asia challenge
Strategic divergence: Australia’s Southeast Asia challenge
Australia’s relationships with countries in Southeast Asia are not bad. The prime minister or foreign minister could happily turn up in any regional country and receive a warm…
What counts for victims of trafficking?
What counts for victims of trafficking?
Trafficking in persons is a billion-dollar global industry that seeks anonymity in every aspect of its criminal execution. Yet data related to human trafficking is a rare resource…
Australia-Korea minilateral: A potential win-win
Australia-Korea minilateral: A potential win-win
The Australia-Korea relationship is in its sixtieth year, and although trade, historic and strategic links are strong, security cooperation is less advanced. Earlier this year, on…
Translating Tension: Chinese-language media in Australia
Translating Tension: Chinese-language media in Australia
A new report into Australia’s Chinese-language media content examines the news landscape of one of the country’s largest diaspora communities.
AUKUS and the CPTPP: It’s all about China
AUKUS and the CPTPP: It’s all about China
China’s application to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) just hours after announcement of the new tripartite AUKUS (Australia,…
Beyond Fortress Australia
Beyond Fortress Australia
The reality of living in a pandemic has dawned on Australia. Covid cases at the time of writing are high and still climbing. The virus is here to stay. Equally clear is that ring…