Australia's Economy

Company tax cuts: America versus Australia
Company tax cuts: America versus Australia
The expert panel on the ABC’s Q&A program earlier this month was hopelessly confused in comparing Donald Trump’s cut in US company tax with the proposed company…
International vulnerabilities and opportunities for Australia’s universities
International vulnerabilities and opportunities for Australia’s universities
On Friday, news broke that the Chinese Embassy had issued a statement in Mandarin on its website urging all Chinese students in Australia to protect their safety. This was…
'Message to Trump – no TPP renegotiation'
'Message to Trump – no TPP renegotiation'
Originally published in the Nikkei Asian Review (Photo: Washington Post/Getty Images). Stephen Grenville
Behind the Australia–Canada ‘wine war’
Behind the Australia–Canada ‘wine war’
Australia has formally lodged a complaint against restrictions some Canadian provinces have placed on the sale of imported wine in grocery stores, in what has been described,…
The ill-advised rush for Australia to strike a trade deal with Indonesia
The ill-advised rush for Australia to strike a trade deal with Indonesia
Negotiations for the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) entered extra time this week, as negotiators agreed to add an 11th round (the 7th…
Anti-migration sentiment the chief threat to openness
Anti-migration sentiment the chief threat to openness
In Choosing Openness Andrew Leigh makes a robust, refreshed case for free trade and investment. Both are important sources of the acceleration of global output growth over the…
Choosing Openness
Lowy Institute Papers
Choosing Openness
Why global engagement is best for Australia Andrew Leigh
Staying competitive in a global economy
Staying competitive in a global economy
This is the second in a three-part series on the future of world trade from a global (part 1), Asia Pacific (part 2) and Australian (part 3) perspective. The toughest message…
O Canada! Australia's best hope in the global IP struggle
O Canada! Australia's best hope in the global IP struggle
Intellectual property is the current focus of President Trump’s economic team. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross published a Financial Times op-ed ('American genius is under attack…
Is the relationship between growth and inflation shifting?
Is the relationship between growth and inflation shifting?
With all of the focus on interest rates, sometimes fundamental assumptions underpinning monetary policy are overlooked in the commentary. At times like this, when there are…