
India: never quite in focus
India: never quite in focus
Last month, Financial Times columnist Edward Luce asked, what would it take for India to get America’s attention? His question was rather aptly answered a couple of…
Economic diplomacy: trade and traps in ASEAN
Economic diplomacy: trade and traps in ASEAN
Middle aged spread Southeast Asian countries are about to become the primary focus of Australia’s public diplomacy this year as the “Australia now” program stretches its…
Australia and Indonesia trade: deal (not quite) done
Australia and Indonesia trade: deal (not quite) done
The signing on 4 March of the Indonesia Australia–Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) has been hailed as a major bilateral trade agreement and a diplomatic…
How open should Australia be about the China challenge?
How open should Australia be about the China challenge?
Former trade minister Andrew Robb made news yesterday when he criticised former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull and his deputy, Barnaby Joyce, for the “toxic” state of Australia’s…
Canberra’s Pacific pivot is bereft of vision
Canberra’s Pacific pivot is bereft of vision
A refreshing wave of Pacific-mania is sweeping Canberra. There’s new postings, a new Office of the Pacific, a high profile visit from the prime minister to the region, and two…
An Australian model for the renewable-energy transition
An Australian model for the renewable-energy transition
Australia is experiencing a remarkable renewable energy transition. The pipeline for new wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) electricity systems is 6-7 Gigawatts (GW) per year for…
Matthew Flinders, national pride and dinner diplomacy
Matthew Flinders, national pride and dinner diplomacy
On 25 January, archaeologists announced that the body of Matthew Flinders, who had completed the first circumnavigation of Australia in 1803, had been found under London’s Euston…
Responding to cyber attacks: resilience and transparency is key
Responding to cyber attacks: resilience and transparency is key
Prime Minister Scott Morrison this week revealed that Australia’s major political parties were the target of a recent cyber attack. The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC)…
Polls apart: how Australian views have changed on “boat people”
Polls apart: how Australian views have changed on “boat people”
Since 2005, the annual Lowy Institute Poll has been tracking the attitudes of Australians to foreign policy issues and their place in the world. The issue of boat people,…
The curious case of aid concentration in Papua New Guinea
The curious case of aid concentration in Papua New Guinea
The aid industry is complex. Dozens of bilateral donors, hundreds of multilateral agencies, and thousands of non-governmental organisations litter the development landscape in all…