
The barely-noticed momentous change to Australian foreign policy
The barely-noticed momentous change to Australian foreign policy
Australia’s decision on 28 January to formally recognise Juan Guaidó as interim President of Venezuela is a reversal of previously long-standing government policy to only…
The long tail of the al-Araibi case
The long tail of the al-Araibi case
With Hakeem al-Araibi now landed in Australia, returned from Thailand, what seems like a totally unnecessary crisis looks to be over. After some 11 weeks of excruciating…
Doctors help the moral case for border security
Doctors help the moral case for border security
On Tuesday evening, the House of Representatives passed a bill supporting the transfer of asylum seekers on Manus Island and Nauru to Australia for urgent medical care. The bill,…
Film review: They Shall Not Grow Old
Film review: They Shall Not Grow Old
Jackson achieves magnificently his professed goal of making a film about the human experience of the war. The commemorations marking the centenary of the First World War were so…
Blocking asylum, by sea and air
Blocking asylum, by sea and air
The case of Saudi teen Rahaf Al-Qunun dramatically demonstrates the difficulties many refugees face when attempting to escape the risk of harm at home and find safety elsewhere –…
China cabinet: Huang Xiangmo’s visa strife, and outlook downbeats
China cabinet: Huang Xiangmo’s visa strife, and outlook downbeats
Australian pushback? While millions of Chinese made an annual pilgrimage home for the Spring Festival, Huang Xiangmo, the Chinese property developer at the centre…
What is the F-35 for, exactly?
What is the F-35 for, exactly?
The Royal Australian Air Force announced last week that it has commenced flight operations with the first two of its new F-35A Joint Strike Fighters. When the first full squadron…
Australia’s new Pacific Czar
Australia’s new Pacific Czar
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has now established an Office of the Pacific, a measure foreshadowed in 2018 as part of Australia’s Pacific “step up”. Ewen McDonald,…
Australia articulates its Indian Ocean priorities
Australia articulates its Indian Ocean priorities
At the Raisina Dialogue, India’s flagship geopolitical conference held last week in New Delhi, Australia’s high-level presence was noticeable. Foreign Minister Marise Payne…
Aid mergers: no unscrambling the egg
Aid mergers: no unscrambling the egg
Britain’s former foreign secretary Boris Johnson has called for the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) to be rolled into the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO…