
How Australia should deepen ties with India
How Australia should deepen ties with India
Ties between India and Australia have always been a little constrained – and unsurprisingly so, as traditionally there has been little to connect the two countries. For its part,…
Indonesia has a stake in Australia’s Lombrum plans too
Indonesia has a stake in Australia’s Lombrum plans too
During the November APEC Summit, Vice President Mike Pence announced that the US will work with Australia and Papua New Guinea to develop the Lombrum naval base on Manus Island. …
Steady but slow in Australia-Japan security cooperation
Steady but slow in Australia-Japan security cooperation
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s recent visit to Darwin was rightly billed as historic and “deeply symbolic”. It also delivered some substance, with the announcement of…
Australia’s new foreign-influence laws: Who is targeted?
Australia’s new foreign-influence laws: Who is targeted?
The Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme goes live on 10 December, when people or companies in Australia who are acting on behalf of foreign principals in the political…
 Veterans fight back against the marketing enemy at the gates
Veterans fight back against the marketing enemy at the gates
A few weeks ago, when I heard about the proposal to encourage people to thank veterans for their service, I was moved to put my “veteran” hat on (something I rarely do) and write…
Review: lessons for Australia and Britain from Iraq War
Review: lessons for Australia and Britain from Iraq War
Book review: Blunder: Britain’s War in Iraq, by Patrick Porter (Oxford University Press, November 2018). Clausewitz famously pointed out that war is a continuation of politics or…
Israel embassy debacle: can Australia strongarm Indonesia again?
Israel embassy debacle: can Australia strongarm Indonesia again?
When Tony Abbott became prime minister, he immediately went about implementing his policy of “turning back the boats”. This was in the face of warnings that the practice…
Time we heard the Pacific’s take on the Pacific
Time we heard the Pacific’s take on the Pacific
It is both apt and overdue that veteran ABC correspondent Sean Dorney was last night awarded the Outstanding Contribution to Journalism at the 2018 Walkley ceremonies. Judged by…
Barley and bases: China stings Australian farmers
Barley and bases: China stings Australian farmers
China’s Ministry of Commerce announced on Monday that it would immediately start a year-long anti-dumping probe into imported barley from Australia. China is Australia’s largest…
Australia finds itself at a Pacific crossroads
Australia finds itself at a Pacific crossroads
When Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced the establishment of the multibillion-dollar infrastructure development bank for the Pacific, the overriding sentiment was that…