Australian Defence Intelligence and Security

Sharpening deterrence
Sharpening deterrence
“If you want peace, prepare for war.” The idea that states can avoid war by strengthening their military is attractively simple, and the advice, attributed to Roman author…
Australia's Security and the Rules-Based Order: Tracking a Decade of Policy Evolution
Australia's Security and the Rules-Based Order: Tracking a Decade of Policy Evolution
In this feature, we identify ten recurring propositions about the rules-based order and show it's evolution through national debate and government policy. Explore how the rules…
Climate change will place new pressures on LHD vessels
Climate change will place new pressures on LHD vessels
Greg Colton’s article on Talisman Sabre 2017 highlights Australia’s new amphibious assault capacity through the Landing Helicopter Class (LHD) ships HMAS Adelaide and HMAS…
National security changes – Australian style
National security changes – Australian style
Last week brought what are likely to be two seismic changes to Australia’s security and intelligence community. While the Independent Intelligence Review has been broadly welcomed…
From ONA to ONI: Getting closer to the original plan
From ONA to ONI: Getting closer to the original plan
The new report on the current state and working of the Australian Intelligence Community (AIC) was prepared by two very knowledgeable, able and experienced people in Michael L…
The Australian Intelligence tradition
The Australian Intelligence tradition
Most of the early commentary on Malcolm Turnbull’s changes to Australia’s security and intelligence arrangements focused on his decision to bring together the principal domestic…
Australian intelligence reforms: ‘Ain’t broke’ can still be improved
Australian intelligence reforms: ‘Ain’t broke’ can still be improved
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced major changes to the Australian Intelligence Community on 18 July. In the cauldron that typifies politics in Canberra, it was inevitable…
Politics and policy meet in new Home Affairs Department
Politics and policy meet in new Home Affairs Department
After almost two decades of consideration during which the case for it has always failed to convince government ministers, the Australian Government has decided to go ahead with…
The Australian budget and counterterrorism
The Australian budget and counterterrorism
ASIO, ASIS and the AFP are all expected to receive substantial funding boosts in the federal budget to be handed down tonight. The additional funding for intelligence agencies -…
Three ways to improve Australia's intelligence capability
Three ways to improve Australia's intelligence capability
The intelligence business is rarely off the Australian front pages for long. Recent mooted reforms have added to long-running controversies over surveillance…