Australian trade, investment & economy

A union with New Zealand for a larger Australia?
There are various possibilities for a Larger Australia. Michael Fullilove's path is to put more of our national resources into defence and diplomacy, as well as growing our…
The Australian economy: How does it compare?
The meeting of the G20 finance ministers and central bank governors in Sydney next weekend provides an excuse to turn the spotlight inwards, towards the domestic economy. The IMF…
Joe Hockey to the G20: 'Do less, focus more, get outcomes'
Treasurer Joe Hockey's speech at the Lowy Institute today picked up on, and in some areas expanded upon, many of the issues raised in Prime Minister Abbott's G20 address in Davos…
Australian model or Australian bubble?
Australian model or Australian bubble?
Mark Thirlwell has an essay in the March-April issue of Pacific Standard that takes a look at Australia’s recent economic success and assesses whether we can keep…
Chinese perspectives on investing in Australia
Chinese perspectives on investing in Australia
China is not only Australia's largest trading partner, but is also an increasingly important supplier of capital. In a Lowy Institute Analysis, John Larum draws on a…
Into the Dragon’s den
Into the Dragon’s den
While Chinese foreign investment into Australia has been the subject of a great deal of controversy, investment flows moving in the other direction have received much less…
The Mekong: Milton Osborne presentation
The Mekong: Milton Osborne presentation
The Mekong River basins are one of the most important and dynamic areas in the world for the battle between economic development’s demands for energy and environmental and social…
What does a free-trade area of the Asia-Pacific mean to China
What does a free-trade area of the Asia-Pacific mean to China
A Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) has been proposed as a long-term prospect by the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).Warwick McKibbin , Tingsong Jiang
Quiet boom
Lowy Institute Papers
Quiet boom
After fifteen years of uninterrupted growth, Australia's quiet economic boom shows no signs of ending. John Edwards
Election Watch.   Japan party system: shifting the political axis, releasing economic reform
Election Watch. Japan party system: shifting the political axis, releasing economic reform
This Issues Brief examines how changes to the Japanese political system, reflected in the November 9 election results, offer new hope for structural economic reforms that would…