
Lam’s election a jolt back to reality for Hong Kong
Lam’s election a jolt back to reality for Hong Kong
Ever since the popular John Tsang lost the Chief Executive election to the Beijing-anointed Carrie Lam on 26 March, Hongkongers are finding ways to accept a reality they wanted to…
Sino-Russian relations: Historical secrets and modern ambitions
Sino-Russian relations: Historical secrets and modern ambitions
This post is part of a debate on Bobo Lo's Lowy Institute Paper A Wary Embrace. Other debate posts can be found here. The day will come when we Russians will get back into bed…
A Wary Embrace
Lowy Institute Papers
A Wary Embrace
What the China–Russia relationship means for the world. Bobo Lo
China-Russia relationship key to the emerging world order
China-Russia relationship key to the emerging world order
Originally published in The Australian on 1 April 2017. Bobo Lo's Lowy Institute Paper A Wary Embrace: What the China–Russia relationship means for the world is now…
China lives in two different worlds
China lives in two different worlds
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review on 31 March 2017. Merriden Varrall
The new Chinese diaspora
The new Chinese diaspora
Recently in Berlin, I was discussing the local tech sector with a young woman who was born in Shanghai, went to university in the UK and now works at an internet services firm…
China versus the US: Australia's increasingly hard choice
China versus the US: Australia's increasingly hard choice
Originally published in CNN on 25 March 2017. Sam Roggeveen
Li’s Australia visit: ‘Nothing to be afraid of’
Li’s Australia visit: ‘Nothing to be afraid of’
Chinese President Xi Jinping's speech at Davos in January presented China as the natural protector of the global order after the abdication of the US from the position. Premier Li…
Dear foreign policy elite: You’re obsolete
Dear foreign policy elite: You’re obsolete
Rex Tillerson recently completed his first trip to Beijing as Secretary of State. Since then, a slew of critics have panned Tillerson for supposedly handing China a ‘diplomatic…
China’s National People’s Congress needs to demonstrate vision
China’s National People’s Congress needs to demonstrate vision
Last Wednesday the annual 'Two Meetings' in Beijing came to an end. At the start of March each year, members of the National People's Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People's…