
How China snubbed Singapore at the Belt and Road summit
How China snubbed Singapore at the Belt and Road summit
Among the 29 Heads of State who converged on Beijing for the Belt and Road Summit earlier this week were leaders of seven of the ten ASEAN states. One leader was noticeably…
China's ‘House of Cards’ reveals a few home truths
China's ‘House of Cards’ reveals a few home truths
The Chinese TV series 'In the Name of People', compared by many to the US-produced drama 'House of Cards', has become the most talked-about TV show nationwide after airing…
What Did Chinese People Think of the Belt and Road Forum?
What Did Chinese People Think of the Belt and Road Forum?
Originally published in The Diplomat. Merriden Varrall
Belt and Road: State transformation and large technical systems
Belt and Road: State transformation and large technical systems
Since Xi Jinping’s announcement of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013, much ink has been spilt trying to understand this policy platform that is centre stage right now…
As Trump flip-flops in Asia, things slide China’s way
As Trump flip-flops in Asia, things slide China’s way
Somewhat obscured in last week's outpouring of penny dreadful news from Washington (such as Sean Spicer ensconcing himself in the White House shrubbery) was the…
In China, changing online attitudes towards Korea
In China, changing online attitudes towards Korea
Additional research by Zixin Wang, an intern in the Lowy Institute's East Asia Program. Shen Zhihua, a world-renowned Chinese scholar of the Cold War, recently proposed that …
'A Wary Embrace': Response to Stephen Blank
'A Wary Embrace': Response to Stephen Blank
Stephen Blank's very generous comments on A Wary Embrace arrived too late to cover in my response to the original contributions in The Interpreter debate. But he brings up a…
The rise of China’s tech sector: The digital great game
The rise of China’s tech sector: The digital great game
Part two of this two-part series looks at how the outside world shaped China's internet firms, and how they are now shaping the international economy. For part one, click here. …
The rise of China’s tech sector: The making of an internet empire
The rise of China’s tech sector: The making of an internet empire
Part one of this two-part series looks at the rise of China's digital economy, the champion firms that dominate it, and their relationship with the Chinese state.  The…
Will the Chairman turn? China contemplates its North Korea policy
Will the Chairman turn? China contemplates its North Korea policy
With North Korea recently threatening a nuclear strike on Australia, the Communist Party of China's ability to shift gears on the Korean issue comes into stark focus. When US…