
Poker, chess and Go: How the US should respond in the South China Sea
The Permanent Court of Arbitration's decision places more pressure on the US than China, as Washington must now act to support this emphatic judgement. Failure to do so will…
South China Sea ruling sweeps away diplomatic ambiguities
Editor's note: We mistakenly published an earlier version of this article. This is the corrected text. Tuesday’s ruling by the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea has…
South China Sea: A course-correction needed
Tuesday's South China Sea adjudication demonstrates that the UNCLOS framework is totally unsuited to sorting out the complex conflicting claims in the South China Sea in a way…
How to respond to China's 'salami tactics' in South China Sea
With China set to reject the upcoming ruling on the South China Sea by the UN's Permanent Court of Arbitration, what’s the next step to containing the simmering dispute? …
Both Coalition and Labor weak on South China Sea freedom of navigation
Both Coalition and Labor weak on South China Sea freedom of navigation
Beyond aid spending and asylum seekers, foreign policy rarely rates a mention in Australian election campaigns. But with the Coalition and Labor squaring off on the issue of…
The South China Sea issue and Philippine President-elect Rodrigo Duterte
The victory of President-elect Rodrigo Duterte in the recently concluded Philippine election is nothing short of astonishing. The election itself, a far cry from others in recent…
The real danger in the South China Sea is repeating assumptions until they become truth
Recently, The Interpreter published another post warning readers of the dangers of China's intentions and actions in the South China Sea. The piece argues that 'the…
South China Sea: Reconciling Washington's policy debate with effective responses
According to a recent Navy Times article, at a National Security Council meeting on 18 March, National Security Advisor Susan Rice 'imposed a gag order on military leaders over…
Is history repeating itself with Beijing's 'great wall of sand' in the South China Sea?
For many outside observers, the Great Wall of China is a symbol of ancient China's strength, military might and power. The Xi Jinping Administration is currently undertaking land…
Air power in the South China Sea: Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines
Much of the recent strategic analysis on the South China Sea has largely focused on the naval sphere, with the acquisition of new submarines by Vietnam and Malaysia and the US…