
The China challenge: Highlights of The Interpreter in 2020
The China challenge: Highlights of The Interpreter in 2020
Interpreter columnist Greg Earl started the year noting the economic challenge of the two big Cs – China and climate change. A few weeks later, there was suddenly a third: corona…
Washington’s warped Asia policy debate
Washington’s warped Asia policy debate
US President-elect Joe Biden’s decision to select retired Army General Lloyd Austin to be his Secretary of Defense triggered a somewhat predictable set of hot takes among US…
When China lashed out
When China lashed out
On the wintry night of 27 November 1950, Chinese troops suddenly descended upon the US 1st Marine Division and the 31st Regimental Combat Team around the frozen Chosin Reservoir,…
Russia and China team up on the Indian Ocean
Russia and China team up on the Indian Ocean
Two recent naval exercises demonstrate the potential for Russia-China cooperation in the Indian Ocean, and how the two present a much greater threat to a continued US role…
Indonesia-China cooperation: Standby for take-off
Indonesia-China cooperation: Standby for take-off
For all the quandaries thrown up by 2020, this has been an important year for Indonesia-China relations. The ties between Jakarta and Beijing have increased and expanded, not only…
COVIDcast: 2020 Asia Power Index
COVIDcast: 2020 Asia Power Index
In this episode of COVIDcast, Sam Roggeveen, Director of the Lowy Institute’s International Security Program, sits down with the two leading researchers behind the Lowy Institute…
Why Australia Should Respond to China’s Provocations With Self-Reliance
Why Australia Should Respond to China’s Provocations With Self-Reliance
Originally published in World Politics Review.
China’s online meddling goes beyond the Great Firewall
China’s online meddling goes beyond the Great Firewall
Last week, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian posted on Twitter a fake image which portrayed an Australian soldier with a bloody knife next to a child holding a lamb…
On China, Australia is left counting the cost
On China, Australia is left counting the cost
The Australian government’s approach to its biggest foreign policy challenge is not working. There needs to be less conflict and more statecraft. Originally published in the…
As a national champion departs the scene, a China food fight looms
As a national champion departs the scene, a China food fight looms
Food for thought Picking winners and sacrificing national interests are two things that conservative politicians usually like to hold out as anathema. But it says a lot about…