
China’s vision of sovereignty for the next world order
China’s vision of sovereignty for the next world order
President Xi Jinping grabbed headlines last month with the announcement that China, the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, is aiming for carbon neutrality…
A dose of climate realism about China’s carbon pledge
A dose of climate realism about China’s carbon pledge
In 2009 China was blamed for destroying the Copenhagen conference on climate change, leaving the world with no successor to the Kyoto Protocol. In 2015, along with France and the…
COVIDcast: Wolf warriors in the age of Covid, with Shivshankar Menon and Richard McGregor
COVIDcast: Wolf warriors in the age of Covid, with Shivshankar Menon and Richard McGregor
In this episode of COVIDcast, Richard McGregor, Lowy Institute Senior Fellow, sat down with Shivshankar Menon to discuss the latest currents in Chinese foreign policy,…
Smart China choices
Smart China choices
Australian commentators often appear eager to paint Australia’s China choices in stark binaries. “The money or our sovereignty: China leaves us no choice” is one representative…
The unfinished Chinese civil war
The unfinished Chinese civil war
The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) war with the Kuomintang (KMT, or Nationalist Party) started in the 1920s, hit pause during the decade of anti-Japanese war and the Second World…
COVIDcast: Wolf warriors in the age of Covid, with Yun Sun And Richard McGregor
COVIDcast: Wolf warriors in the age of Covid, with Yun Sun And Richard McGregor
In this episode of COVIDcast, Richard McGregor, Lowy Institute Senior Fellow, sat down with Yun Sun to get a Chinese perspective on Beijing’s latest foreign policy moves.
COVIDcast: Wolf warriors in the age of Covid, with Bilahari Kausikan and Richard McGregor
COVIDcast: Wolf warriors in the age of Covid, with Bilahari Kausikan and Richard McGregor
In this episode of COVIDcast, Richard McGregor, Lowy Institute Senior Fellow, sat down with Bilahari Kausikan to discuss Chinese foreign policy, with a particular emphasis on…
China-India: Talk is cheap, but never free
China-India: Talk is cheap, but never free
There is no end in sight for the ongoing China-India border crisis. In June, China and India’s border dispute along the LAC (Line of Actual Control) resumed after a decades-long…
Working together on relief can stop a China‑India border disaster
Working together on relief can stop a China‑India border disaster
The relative stability along the China-India borders since the Doklam standoff in 2017 has been upended this year by the outbreak of two skirmishes, in May and August. The…
Colonialism and cultural erasure in Xinjiang
Colonialism and cultural erasure in Xinjiang
On 17 September, the Information of Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China released a White Paper, “Employment and Labour Rights in Xinjiang”, detailing the…