
We’ve been trolled – expect more of it, because it worked
We’ve been trolled – expect more of it, because it worked
With a wicked and now infamous tweet, Australia has joined India, the US, Canada, and the Pope on a list of those China’s “wolf warrior” diplomat in chief Zhao Lijian has…
China: Explaining that tweet
China: Explaining that tweet
No doubt you have seen the offending tweet already. If you’re in the mood to be outraged, it is still pinned to the top of Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian’s Twitter…
China cannot have it both ways on trade
China cannot have it both ways on trade
Beijing's tactic of using trade as a political stick against Australia will not impress the rest of the world. Originally published in the Australian Financial Review.
Fareed Zakaria on Australia’s “opportunity” between the US and China
Fareed Zakaria on Australia’s “opportunity” between the US and China
Australia could model itself in part on Singapore to ensure it could still thrive in an Asian region increasingly dominated by China, according to Fareed Zakaria, the author and…
Port Adelaide to Shanghai: Sports diplomacy and the long road ahead
Port Adelaide to Shanghai: Sports diplomacy and the long road ahead
Trust between Australia and China is at a nadir. Little more than a year ago, the prospects for positive long-term engagement remained strong – not just for business ties, but…
Beijing’s line on the South China Sea: “Nothing to see here”
Beijing’s line on the South China Sea: “Nothing to see here”
China’s strategy in responding to concerns about its intentions in the South China Sea is to claim that none of the activities, statements or behaviours that concern other…
Beijing’s bad books: Australia can learn from Norway and South Korea
Beijing’s bad books: Australia can learn from Norway and South Korea
The latest complaints from China against Australia, neatly bundled into a series of 14 perceived disputes, makes painfully clear how ties between the two countries…
Gauge-changing train is no game changer for China
Gauge-changing train is no game changer for China
Railways are a natural pillar of overland transport for China’s Belt and Road Initiative, given their large capacity. But there is an obstacle to getting direct services…
Biden’s clean energy plan versus China’s green tech dominance
Biden’s clean energy plan versus China’s green tech dominance
A man who has earned a reputation for compromise and dealmaking over his half-century in Washington, Joe Biden has also won the presidency by presenting himself as a national…
China: World’s biggest polluter ... and climate activist?
China: World’s biggest polluter ... and climate activist?
At a speech before the UN General Assembly on 22 September, China’s President Xi Jinping made the world’s single largest climate commitment to date by stating that China would…