
China and the Rules‑Based Order
China and the Rules‑Based Order
Seven experts debate China’s approach to the rules‑based international order
How will Japan's new leader handle growing China-US tensions?
How will Japan's new leader handle growing China-US tensions?
After years warning others to be wary of Beijing, Tokyo is now adopting a low profile. Originally published in the Nikkei Asian Review.
Australian journalists’ case a reminder of what can happen when you challenge China, and it doesn’t bode well
Australian journalists’ case a reminder of what can happen when you challenge China, and it doesn’t bode well
Australian reporters have become pawns in a much bigger game after the Trump administration’s ill-advised decision to cut the number of Chinese reporters in the US gave darker…
Cut! How Hollywood self-censors on China
Cut! How Hollywood self-censors on China
What should have been a family favourite film has turned into a political nightmare, with moviegoers around the world urged to boycott the…
No breakthrough in sight for EU-China leaders’ meeting
No breakthrough in sight for EU-China leaders’ meeting
2020 was supposed to be a transformational year in China’s relations with the European Union. Next to the annual bilateral summit, an extraordinary gathering of all 27 EU…
Scott Morrison must balance our role between great powers
Scott Morrison must balance our role between great powers
Originally published in The Australian.
Journalists are just pawns in China’s bigger game
Journalists are just pawns in China’s bigger game
Originally published in The Australian.
Debunking the myth of China’s “debt-trap diplomacy”
Debunking the myth of China’s “debt-trap diplomacy”
Against the fear and distrust that increasingly characterise Australia’s relationship with China, the Belt and Road Initiative looms large. Australian politicians from both major…
No news is not good news
No news is not good news
The rushed departure from China of two Australian journalists, the ABC’s Bill Birtles and the Australian Financial Review’s Michael Smith, marks a new low in a relationship…
Australia, all is not lost despite China’s trade tantrums
Australia, all is not lost despite China’s trade tantrums
When Canberra called for an international, independent inquiry into Covid-19 in April, Beijing deployed trade restrictions measures against Australian beef and barley the next…