
Name shame: China’s trouble with Taiwan
Name shame: China’s trouble with Taiwan
Beijing’s campaign to isolate Taiwan may be having unintended consequences that work in Taipei’s favour. Rather than weakening Taiwan’s ties with the world, China’s actions seem…
Redesigning a nation: Guo Pei
Redesigning a nation: Guo Pei
Vain trifles as they seem, clothes have, they say, more important offices than merely to keep us warm. They change our view of the world, and the world’s view of us.Virginia Woolf…
China eyes its next prize – the Mekong
China eyes its next prize – the Mekong
Beijing’s islands-building in the South China Sea and their militarisation, replete with surface-to-air missiles, is near complete. With guile, threat, and coercion, China…
A study in controversy: Chinese students in Australia
A study in controversy: Chinese students in Australia
According to the caricature in the popular media, Chinese international students in Australia are devoted agents of the Chinese Government. They are “brainwashed from birth” and,…
Has the PLA really overlooked its amphibious force?
Has the PLA really overlooked its amphibious force?
It might surprise the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to learn they’ve short-changed themselves on amphibious capability. Sam Roggeveen wrote on The Interpreter recently (“Why…
A stocktake of Australia’s China policy debate
A stocktake of Australia’s China policy debate
Australia’s not-so-old tendency to avoid tension that could jeopardise our economic and trade relationship with China had the unfortunate effect of making China dismissive of…
Beyond the “Chinese debt trap”
Beyond the “Chinese debt trap”
As China’s commercial and military presence grows across Asia, Africa, and the Pacific, other major powers are growing increasingly alarmed about Beijing leading partner nations…
China’s looming financial crisis
China’s looming financial crisis
Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia Philip Lowe’s speech last week highlighting the risks to the Chinese financial system from shadow banks – non-bank financial…
The Wenchuan earthquake, ten years on
The Wenchuan earthquake, ten years on
This article is based on Episode 24 of the Little Red Podcast, focused on a panel at the Association for Asian Studies featuring Louisa Lim, Christian Sorace,…
Xinjiang’s “transformation through education” camps
Xinjiang’s “transformation through education” camps
Over the last year there has been a steady stream of anecdotal and eyewitness reports of China’s construction of a system of “transformation through…