
Beijing’s maritime gifts
Beijing’s maritime gifts
China’s growing naval and paramilitary might receives daily attention. But what of China’s emerging role as a provider of capacity to coastal states in the Indo-Pacific? …
ASEAN might not be the way
ASEAN might not be the way
Former senior Australian diplomat Geoff Raby’s substantial article written for the Asia Society and reproduced in the Australian Financial Review this…
China’s “rule of law in international relations”
China’s “rule of law in international relations”
In 2014, Chinese President Xi Jinping introduced the term “rule of law in international relations” to describe the Chinese government’s vision for the interaction between states…
China: vaccines and rumours from Zhongnanhai
China: vaccines and rumours from Zhongnanhai
Last week, rumours began swirling around Beijing about possible factional infighting within the Chinese Government involving President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang…
Chinese chimera: the real concern with the BRI
Chinese chimera: the real concern with the BRI
There are at least two schools of thought vis-à-vis the ongoing debate about the perils and opportunities associated with China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). On the one…
Xi Jinping, Senegal, and China’s West Africa drive
Xi Jinping, Senegal, and China’s West Africa drive
Xi Jinping’s choice of Senegal for a state visit on 20–21 July, his first visit to West Africa, en route to the BRICS summit in South Africa, suggests that China seeks to deepen…
“Poor old” China meets “poor young” Africa
“Poor old” China meets “poor young” Africa
The success of China’s reform and opening program across 40 years has shifted the nation from backwater to the centre of global growth, lifting 800 million people from poverty in…
The US is moving quickly to follow through on Trump’s threats to further escalate his trade war with China (now is as good a time as any to say that the trade war has officially…
China’s expanding navy
China’s expanding navy
Recent reports of problems with the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLA-N) carrier-borne J-15 jet fighters have opened a small window on challenges facing China’s expanding navy,…
Assessing Duterte’s China investment drive
Assessing Duterte’s China investment drive
When President Rodrigo Duterte visited the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in October 2016, he came home with an agreement that earmarked US$24 billion worth of Chinese foreign…