
China is catching up to the US, except on this key measure
China is catching up to the US, except on this key measure
US Army General Robert Brown told an Australian Strategic Policy Institute dinner in Canberra this week that, on his last visit to Beijing to meet with Chinese military chiefs, he…
Soft-power dressing: China’s moment in the US
Soft-power dressing: China’s moment in the US
Wearing the right dress can be the first step to success. Pictures of an American teenage girl sporting a red Chinese cheongsam to her prom have gone viral and sparked…
The language of cross-strait tensions
The language of cross-strait tensions
The video, titled “God of War”, runs for almost four minutes and features the usual propaganda claims and military posturing expected from a video released by the China’s People’s…
China: magic weapons and “plausible deniability”
China: magic weapons and “plausible deniability”
This article is based on Episode 20 of The Little Red Podcast with Gerry Groot of the University of Adelaide. We’re also pleased to announce The Little…
Clamorous response to a Silent Invasion
Clamorous response to a Silent Invasion
An ill-fated business deal, a major corruption case, and protestations from Beijing about the visit of a dissident made the year 2009 something of an annus horribilis …
Australia’s Chinese ballistic missile problem
Australia’s Chinese ballistic missile problem
Late last year in Australia, there was sudden interest shown in ballistic missile defence (BMD). Although the driver was North Korea’s missile testing, the real issue is China. …
The Beijing way of trade punishment
The Beijing way of trade punishment
On 18 April, The Australian newspaper reported that Chinese students had “defied” warnings from their government about safety in Australia and enrolled in…
Australian warships challenged in South China Sea
Australian warships challenged in South China Sea
How should we react to news reports that China challenged Australian warships in the course of transiting the South China Sea, on their way from Subic Bay in the Philippines…
Will China’s new aid agency be effective?
Will China’s new aid agency be effective?
China has a new International Development Cooperation Agency (IDCA). The IDCA will respond directly to the State Council and integrate the aid functions of the Ministries of…
China influence: in defence of parliamentary sovereignty
China influence: in defence of parliamentary sovereignty
Despite their other disagreements, several fans and critics of Clive Hamilton’s Silent Invasion: China’s Influence in Australia converge around the claim that his…