Climate change

Climate change: The G20 can add value
Yesterday I gave an interview to the Sydney Morning Herald for a story published today: 'Stopping climate change talks "could hurt" G20' (p. 8 in the paper version). Here I want…
Climate change, migration and the importance of the international order
The views expressed here are the author's own and do not reflect those of the Department of Defence or the Australian Government. There is considerable evidence that plants and…
Movie trailer: Godzilla
A new trailer for the Godzilla reboot has just emerged, and it looks pretty awesome: Judging by the trailer, environmentalists should be ecstatic with this one. In fact, maybe…
China's 'syngas': Bad economics, bad science and an environmental catastrophe
The apparent shift in the global energy market from coal to natural gas has shaken fossil fuel markets. As Australian resource exporters are keenly aware, this tilt has pushed…
IPCC and clean energy: Easy on the optimism
The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report makes for gloomy reading. The world needs 'drastic changes' to reduce carbon emissions and prevent global temperature…
Global renewable-energy investment: Glass half empty, glass half full
With the Australian Government last week announcing a review of the Renewable Energy Target (RET), it's a good time to look back on how the sector has developed internationally…
International events in 2014 will test Australian Government's climate credibility
After its first few months, the Abbott Government's domestic and international climate credibility is threadbare, as is its commitment to commercialising clean energy alternatives…
Five things you shouldn't worry about (or look forward to) in 2014
As you have already seen courtesy of a piece by new contributor Robert Kelly on three things that won't happen in Northeast Asia this year, we've decided to invert the January…
The heat is back on climate change
With the start of the Warsaw climate change talks today, combined with the election of the Abbott Government and its proposed repeal of the Gillard Government's carbon tax regime…
Documentary trailer: Years of Living Dangerously
Remember that furore in the Indonesian media a few months ago about actor Harrison Ford being rude to Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan? What was that in aid of, you ask? An all…