Climate change

Australia's carbon debate mirrors global follies
Roger Pielke Jr is a Professor of Environmental Studies at the University of Colorado. Australia’s longest-running tragedy is starting a new season with a new cast but the same…
Reader riposte: Pro- and anti-nuclear environmentalism
Richard Broinowski writes: Lowy Institute Research Fellow Daniela Strube should perhaps spend a bit more time examining trends in energy research. The pro-nuclear…
China's environmental crisis, close up
China watcher James West writes for The Atlantic on his latest train trip through China, and has a short accompanying video (above): I have never before been as dumbfounded as…
The Abbott ascendancy: Implications for international climate policy
Fergus Green teaches Global Energy & Climate Policy at SOAS, University of London. Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott once famously described the science of climate change as …
Abbott's 'so-called' carbon market
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's clumsy remarks on climate change ('a so-called market, in the non-delivery of an invisible substance to no one') have been roundly criticised and…
Rudd should scrap, not hasten, EU carbon linkage
Fergus Green is a researcher specialising in climate change policy. Here we go again. The Labor Government is contemplating weakening the carbon scheme for what must be about the…
Do voters want to repeal carbon pricing?
John Connor is CEO of the Climate Institute. The past year has been historic in Australia, with around 300 businesses beginning to pay for their greenhouse gas emissions for the…
What to do about climate migration
Professor Jane McAdam is a member of the Consultative Committee of the Nansen Initiative and the author of Climate Change, Forced Migration, and International Law.  Last month,…
Carbon pricing: Let the jury decide
Nicholas Gruen is CEO of Lateral Economics, Chairman of the Australian Centre for Social Innovation, an entrepreneur involved in a number of internet startups, and a regular…
Martin Wolf's climate pessimism examined
Nicholas Gruen is CEO of Lateral Economics, Chairman of the Australian Centre for Social Innovation, an entrepreneur involved in a number of internet startups, and a regular…