Global Economy

Australia keeps calm while China carries on
Australia keeps calm while China carries on
Now that the Morrison government has cancelled Victoria’s Belt and Road agreement with China, Australia is bracing for retaliation from Beijing, probably by way of further trade…
Taiwan: Renewing a southbound vision
Taiwan: Renewing a southbound vision
For all the talk of cross-Strait military tensions – which are real – in the economic realm, Taiwan’s fortunes have been bound to those of China. Recognising the need to…
Economic diplomacy: Supply chains, ASEAN wanes, and Japan’s coal dump
Economic diplomacy: Supply chains, ASEAN wanes, and Japan’s coal dump
Two worlds When the US and Japan kicked off a bid to take control of the next generation of mobile technology during a summit of their leaders last week, they also pushed the…
Why our economy can afford to stand up to China with Belt and Road veto
Why our economy can afford to stand up to China with Belt and Road veto
Originally published in the Sydney Morning Herald. 
Yes, we can spend our way to recovery if we are careful
Yes, we can spend our way to recovery if we are careful
Australia has rightly lost its fear of big deficits. But we must walk back debt in lockstep with private sector expansion. Originally published in The Australian Financial Review.
Australia's economic centre has shifted from Sydney to Canberra
Australia's economic centre has shifted from Sydney to Canberra
Originally published in The Canberra Times.
Vital trade lessons from China’s failed attempt at coercion
Vital trade lessons from China’s failed attempt at coercion
Originally published in The Australian. 
Will the Five Eyes stare down China’s economic coercion?
Will the Five Eyes stare down China’s economic coercion?
Next month brings the inauspicious one-year anniversary of China ramping up a campaign of trade punishment against Australia. Wine, barley, beef, lobster and coal have all been…
Covid recovery, in Australia and the world
Covid recovery, in Australia and the world
In much of the world, Covid-19 infections continue apace, but the global economy is rapidly recovering from last year’s slump. World trade volumes and industrial production were…
The big bark but small bite of China’s trade coercion
The big bark but small bite of China’s trade coercion
Beginning last May, China has hit Australia with a barrage of trade sanctions in a fairly overt attempt at economic coercion. It’s still early days, but it’s worth…