Global Economy

Expanding the CPTPP: A form guide to prospective members
Expanding the CPTPP: A form guide to prospective members
In February, the United Kingdom became the first nation to formally apply to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), the 11…
Australia’s place in a decarbonising world economy
Australia’s place in a decarbonising world economy
A welcome change is underway in the international effort to combat dangerous global warming. It will have big implications for the Australian economy. The United States, European…
Covid’s long reach upsets the economic pecking order
Covid’s long reach upsets the economic pecking order
Passing lanes New forecasts that the Chinese economy will overtake the US in real terms much faster than expected are likely to have provided the Biden administration with a…
What APEC has to offer in 2021
What APEC has to offer in 2021
It’s almost a year since the world changed. We now know that we are in for the long haul with the pandemic and that 2021 too is going to be difficult. The unseemly scramble over…
A “beggar-thy-neighbour” approach keeps seafarers stranded
A “beggar-thy-neighbour” approach keeps seafarers stranded
When a business manager is willing to spend US$200,000 to send home five employees whose contracts have expired and bring five colleagues to replace them on the spot, later…
The US and the next leader of the OECD
The US and the next leader of the OECD
Although it may not regularly make headlines, the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is an important multilateral institution. With its standard-setting…
Indonesia lags on renewable energy, and pays the price
Indonesia lags on renewable energy, and pays the price
Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s vision to make the country a destination for foreign company investments neglects the growing demand for clean energy. RE100, a group…
Women, peace and security are not only wartime issues
Women, peace and security are not only wartime issues
Many women fight wars every single day within their homes. This is not the violence of wars that features on the nightly news, but something far more insidious – a hidden conflict…
Jim Wolfensohn’s knowledge bank
Jim Wolfensohn’s knowledge bank
Jim Wolfensohn, an Australian-turned-American who became president of the World Bank in 1995, was a mercurial character. His struggle to tackle the challenges of global…
As a national champion departs the scene, a China food fight looms
As a national champion departs the scene, a China food fight looms
Food for thought Picking winners and sacrificing national interests are two things that conservative politicians usually like to hold out as anathema. But it says a lot about…