Global Economy

The International Monetary Fund and capital flows
The International Monetary Fund and capital flows
Disruptive international capital flows were a central issue when the International Monetary Fund was created at the end of the Second World War. Capital-flow doctrine has…
The many trails of Ant Group
The many trails of Ant Group
When the last of the big four state-owned Chinese banks listed a decade ago, one could be forgiven for thinking that the age of mega Chinese financial listings was over. After all…
Economic diplomacy: Federal budget hits and misses
Economic diplomacy: Federal budget hits and misses
Hide and seek It says a lot about the extent of the pandemic cash splash and the domestic politics of the federal budget that an unexpected rise in development aid spending didn…
Global trade policy at a lull, but for how long?
Global trade policy at a lull, but for how long?
Like a sailing ship caught in the doldrums, the international trade policy world seems stagnant and listless. Is there any fresh wind to be detected? Can we create some movement? …
China and the Rules‑Based Order
China and the Rules‑Based Order
Seven experts debate China’s approach to the rules‑based international order
Economic diplomacy: A snapshot of overseas investment trends
Economic diplomacy: A snapshot of overseas investment trends
Going outOne of the big questions facing Australian companies in the new world of reshoring and diversification is how to get the balance right in a time of disruption and power…
Economic diplomacy: Borders, barriers and obstacles
Economic diplomacy: Borders, barriers and obstacles
Homeward bound While Australia’s embrace of economic sovereignty has so far involved more rhetoric than real financial resources, cash incentives for reshoring manufacturing are…
Australia, all is not lost despite China’s trade tantrums
Australia, all is not lost despite China’s trade tantrums
When Canberra called for an international, independent inquiry into Covid-19 in April, Beijing deployed trade restrictions measures against Australian beef and barley the next…
China sours on Australia’s wine
China sours on Australia’s wine
On Monday this week, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced it has commenced an investigation into whether Australia has been subsidising winemakers. This follows a parallel…
Economic diplomacy: Spilled milk and foreign wages
Economic diplomacy: Spilled milk and foreign wages
Taking one for the team Spare a thought for Japanese company Kirin, which entered Australia in the vanguard of new ambitions for Asian economic engagement but is now a victim of…