Global Economy

A post-pandemic trade revival
A post-pandemic trade revival
Albert Einstein once said that “in the midst of every crisis lies great opportunity”. For an open trading nation like Australia, the pandemic is an unparalleled crisis. The nation…
Business, government must engage on international trade policy
Business, government must engage on international trade policy
Originally published in The Australian.
Europe’s big bonds and the prospect of a boon for Australia
Europe’s big bonds and the prospect of a boon for Australia
Recently concluded negotiations for a new seven-year budget of the European Union, which excluded Britain for the first time in five decades, lasted more than two years and took…
World order in the time of coronavirus
World order in the time of coronavirus
The liberal order faces its greatest crisis since the end of the Cold War. Liberalism is in retreat around the world. The United States is led by a president whose America-first…
Economic diplomacy: A call to syringes, not arms
Economic diplomacy: A call to syringes, not arms
Going out or staying in With Australia experiencing its first recession in a generation, potential differences are emerging over whether future prosperity will come from more…
The World Trade Organization: An Optimistic Pre-mortem in Hopes of Resurrection
The World Trade Organization: An Optimistic Pre-mortem in Hopes of Resurrection
At a time when stability and predictability are needed most, the body at the heart of the rules-based trading system — the World Trade Organization — is reeling from far more than…
Pacific islands: The cost to tomorrow of the crisis today
Pacific islands: The cost to tomorrow of the crisis today
The global economic recession triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic will have acute repercussions for the youth of today – both now and for their inheritance. The International…
Managing Chinese economic risks means more than diversification
Managing Chinese economic risks means more than diversification
There is growing support for diversifying Australia’s economic ties with China in order to reduce the risks of economic coercion. The main bilateral economic ties are through…
The world can still prosper from free trade
The world can still prosper from free trade
Did anyone notice that the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA), the revised NAFTA, entered into force on 1 July? If not, do not be too concerned, as the Covid-19 crisis…