Global Economy

Economic diplomacy brief: Geo-economics as the new Great Game
Economic diplomacy brief: Geo-economics as the new Great Game
Economic integration as a pathway to peace has been a familiar theme of recent Australian international policy discussion despite the historical debate amongst strategists about…
Haircuts, taxis and Big Macs: Comparing economies using purchasing power parity
Haircuts, taxis and Big Macs: Comparing economies using purchasing power parity
In the new Foreign Affairs White paper, the graph that seems to have attracted most attention is this one: The message: China’s GDP has already comfortably overtaken America’s,…
The global energy outlook and what it means for climate change
The global energy outlook and what it means for climate change
There are so many strongly-held views, so many vested interests and lobbyists, so much political spin and such complexity in the energy/climate debate that it is not easy to find…
Fantasy solutions for taxing global capital
Fantasy solutions for taxing global capital
Australia’s Treasurer Scott Morrison used a recent speech to support the current round of company tax reductions, aimed at improving the incentives for foreigners to invest in…
Clear waters and green mountains: Will Xi Jinping take the lead on climate change?
Clear waters and green mountains: Will Xi Jinping take the lead on climate change?
President Trump’s retreat on climate change put China ‘in the driver’s seat’. But to really demonstrate leadership, China needs to green its overseas investments. Sam Geall
Whoa, Canada: Explaining the TPP deal that wasn’t
Whoa, Canada: Explaining the TPP deal that wasn’t
The strong expectation of the leaders of many countries involved in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), including Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, was that an agreement would be…
Rethinking macro-economics: Monetary policy
Rethinking macro-economics: Monetary policy
For the countries affected by the 2007-08 financial crisis, the recovery has been lacklustre. There was no self-equilibrating 'V'-shaped return to the pre-crisis GDP growth…
The two Americas at COP23
The two Americas at COP23
Before his fall from grace, former Democratic vice-presidential candidate John Edwards used to talk about 'the two Americas' to describe the gap between the poor and the wealthy…
The first global supply chain
The first global supply chain
The city of Ternate in eastern Indonesia seems forgotten by time. Its quiet bustle is confined to the coastal fringes of Mount Gamalama, with its imperious presence. The most…
Economic diplomacy brief: Trump and Asia, trade economists bite back, and settling investor disputes
Economic diplomacy brief: Trump and Asia, trade economists bite back, and settling investor disputes
Trade in Asia: The Greenback still rules The importance of Donald Trump’s economic management to Asia’s health has only been reinforced by the Asian Development’s Bank’s launch…