Global Economy

A new era of leadership by the G19?
A new era of leadership by the G19?
US President Donald Trump arrived in Hamburg for the G20 leaders meeting no friend of globalisation and multilateralism. Most of the analysis so far has focused on Trump himself…
How the Asian financial crisis exposed neoliberalism's limits
How the Asian financial crisis exposed neoliberalism's limits
Originally published in the Nikkei Asian Review.  Stephen Grenville
Economic diplomacy brief: Trade under pressure, betting on China, Japan and the AIIB, and more
Economic diplomacy brief: Trade under pressure, betting on China, Japan and the AIIB, and more
Mixed polling on globalisation Recent opinion polling on global economic engagement shows why it has become increasingly treacherous territory for politicians – especially, it…
What did we learn from the Asian crisis?
What did we learn from the Asian crisis?
Twenty years ago next weekend, the Thai authorities abandoned their costly defence of a fixed exchange rate, allowing the baht to float. Thus began the Asian crisis, which brought…
Greek debt: kicked down the road yet again
Greek debt: kicked down the road yet again
It is almost eight years since the Greek debt crisis began. Now, with Greek GDP 25% lower than at the start of the crisis and nearly one quarter of the work force unemployed, the…
Economic diplomacy brief: Chinese investment, defending free trade and the TPP’s future
Economic diplomacy brief: Chinese investment, defending free trade and the TPP’s future
Chinese money – super or not? While Australia's politicians have been ducking and weaving in Parliament over Chinese donations, two business institutions have outlined quite…
No consensus on the Washington Consensus
No consensus on the Washington Consensus
Sam Roggeveen's discussion with Allan Gyngell is a reminder that the Washington Consensus means different things to different people. Let's try to sort out the diverse…
Quick comment: Sebastian Mallaby on Trump, the Fed and the global economy
Quick comment: Sebastian Mallaby on Trump, the Fed and the global economy
After reviewing Sebastian Mallaby's 700-page biography of former US Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan late last year, Lowy Institute Nonresident Fellow…
TPP: With one down, can 11 stand?
TPP: With one down, can 11 stand?
Reports of the death of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) were exaggerated – or at least premature. Move over a TPP of 12 nations (TPP12) and make way for TPP11, the lower…
No, wait! Globalisation makes a comeback
No, wait! Globalisation makes a comeback
The hilltop Sicilian town of Taormina is best known for its medieval buildings, the ruin of an immense Roman theatre, a disturbing view of Mount Etna smoking nearby, and a pasta…