Global Economy

Managing economic risk in Asia: A strategy for Australia
Managing economic risk in Asia: A strategy for Australia
Barry Sterland’s new Lowy Analysis explores the possibility of a future economic crisis in our region – this is not today’s problem, but something we should be prepared for. The…
Using economic diplomacy to reduce financial risks in Asia
Using economic diplomacy to reduce financial risks in Asia
If Australia’s economic future lies in Asia, then managing the risk of financial crises in the region should be a top concern. Especially as any crisis could also have significant…
Managing economic risk in Asia: A strategy for Australia
Managing economic risk in Asia: A strategy for Australia
Australia can use its economic diplomacy to manage economic risks in the region, and should engage with the International Monetary Fund and regional partners to close gaps in…
The Asian Development Bank at 50: A spent force?
The Asian Development Bank at 50: A spent force?
In May, the Asian Development Bank celebrated its 50th anniversary with a big bash in Yokohama. Senior ADB figures repeatedly pointed to the record crowd of more than 6000…
Intellectual property rights row misses the point
Intellectual property rights row misses the point
Originally published in the Nikkei Asian Review.Stephen Grenville
Toward more stable capital flows
Toward more stable capital flows
Globalisation has received a bad rap lately, being blamed for lost jobs, depressed wages, rising income inequality, Brexit, and the election of Donald Trump. As the European…
Ten years after the GFC, are we safe?
Ten years after the GFC, are we safe?
Ten years ago this month, Northern Rock experienced the first depositors' run on a British bank for 150 years and failed shortly afterwards. This was not the first manifestation…
Free trade is being deferred but not reversed
Free trade is being deferred but not reversed
This is the first in a three-part series on the future of world trade from a global (part 1), Asia Pacific (part 2) and Australian (part 3) perspective. Is protectionism on the…
Addressing global capital flows
Addressing global capital flows
International capital flows present serious policy challenges. In textbook economics, such flows are unambiguously beneficial. But volatile flows were a key cause of the 1997…
O Canada! Australia's best hope in the global IP struggle
O Canada! Australia's best hope in the global IP struggle
Intellectual property is the current focus of President Trump’s economic team. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross published a Financial Times op-ed ('American genius is under attack…