Global Economy

TPP: Australia should bring in China and Indonesia
The negotiators have finally reached agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The US Congress might yet be a stumbling block, but the many US interest groups which stand…
Vietnam and Australia: Common interests should be reflected in closer ties
Richard Woolcott recently called for 'a much more sustained conversation with our neighbouring countries in Asia and the south-west Pacific' ('The Turnbull era: Eight Ideas for…
Meeting fatigue? G20 needs to guard its brand
The Turkish presidency of the G20 is scheduled to host an astounding 86 meetings in 2015. That's an average of more than one and a half per week and it's a lot…
G20 Monitor: G20 outreach to society in 2015
G20 Monitor: G20 outreach to society in 2015
G20 engagement group representatives from Business (B20), Civil Society (C20), Labour (L20), Think Tanks (T20), Women (W20), and Youth (Y20) have contributed to the 18th issue of…
Video: Tyler Cowen on the rise and fall of China's economy
China released new GDP figures this week to widespread scepticism. Stephen Grenville's next column will look at the issue of China's GDP, but meanwhile, here's a nicely produced…
Digital diplomacy is not the same as digital outreach
Recently Jonathan McClory from UK consultancy Portland Communications, along with Facebook's government outreach manager Katie Harbath, skilfully entered the five-year long debate…
China's Belt and Road initiative likely to bypass Australia
China's Belt and Road initiative – a vast array of promised Chinese investments in transport, energy and communications across Eurasia and Africa – is emerging as…
At last, progress on tax: OECD and G20 tackle the revenue challenge
A thousand pages on corporate tax shenanigans is not normally the sort of thing that captures the public imagination. But amid the technical detail of international tax rule…
'The Courage to Act': What Bernanke saw at the global financial crisis
Ben Bernanke was a member of the US Federal Reserve Board in the tumultuous period from 2002 until 2014 and Chairman from 2006 to 2014. His version of this period is told in The…
TPP stifling rather than sustaining
TPP stifling rather than sustaining
TPP stifling rather than sustainingLeon BerkelmansSydney Morning Herald7 October 2015Leon Berkelmans