Global Economy

Digital Diplomacy links: Russia's game of trolls, DFAT's social media use, Iran deal, SIGINT, BBC and more
On the first Friday of each month the Interpreter will publish Digital Diplomacy links instead of the weekly Digital Asia links. As Australian digital diplomacy strives to catch…
Note to Beijing: You can't tell financial markets what to do
There's a rule in economics called Goodhart's law: when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a useful measure. If a government chases a particular economic variable, then…
Asian financial markets: Confected panic from professional doomsayers
Over the last few weeks, global financial markets have once again demonstrated their predilection for over-reacting to ephemeral news. For their part, the media are always happy…
Economic crisis in China? We're not there yet
I started my job at the Federal Reserve three weeks before Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy. I wish I had kept a diary of my initial months at the Fed, so I could recall…
The TPP is still alive and Australia will likely sign
A month ago, international trade was in the headlines. President Obama had just obtained Trade Promotion Authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and in Australia, the…
Choking aviation system threatens China's ambitions
Last month Hong Kong's Cathay Pacific airline began to cancel some routes to mainland destinations – a surprising decision given the huge potential in China, where air journeys…
Why we still need UN climate negotiations
The Marrakesh Accords, the Bali Roadmap, the Cancun Agreements, the Durban Outcomes, the Doha Climate Gateway, the Lima Call for Climate Action – the grand names given to…
G20 Monitor: From Turkey to China - What lies ahead for the G20 in 2016?
G20 Monitor: From Turkey to China - What lies ahead for the G20 in 2016?
The 17th issue of the G20 Monitor examines the progress made by the 2015 Turkish G20 Presidency and explores potential priority areas for the 2016 Chinese Presidency. Photo: …
Things look bad for Indonesia's economy, but don't expect rapid reform
Arianto Patunru and Sjamsu Rahardja's recent insightful Lowy Institute Analysis, Trade Protectionism in Indonesia: Bad Times and Bad Policy, invokes 'Sadli's Law', named for early…
Lebanon's garbage crisis reveals political paralysis
It's 2014 and it's a beautiful summer evening in Lebanon. As the heat of the day subsides, and the rubicund sun slowly sinks into the shimmering azure sea, breathe deep and you…