Global Economy

Winning the coal endgame: Why a moratorium on new mines makes economic sense
This is the second in a two part series by Fergus Green, climate policy consultant and researcher, London School of Economics and Political Science and Richard Denniss, chief…
Chinese investment in Australia: Sometimes it makes sense to sell the farm
Treasurer Scott Morrison has rejected the proposed sale of the Kidman cattle properties to foreign interests: Given the size and significance of the total portfolio of Kidman…
Witness a global tipping point: The beginning of the end of coal
This is the first in a two part series by Fergus Green, climate policy consultant and researcher, London School of Economics and Political Science and Richard Denniss, chief…
APEC attendees take note: Services are nice but most trade action still in goods
Attendees at the APEC summit this week may be walking around with a new spring in their step. Some observers have suggested the successful conclusion of the Trans Pacific…
Economist as crusader: Why Blanchard wants to change thinking on capital-flow policy
This week's cover-story in The Economist warns of an impending debt crisis in the emerging economies. This is seen as the third stage in the ongoing debt saga: first came the 2008…
G20 needs to find new momentum to progress global issues
G20 needs to find new momentum to progress global issues
G20 needs to find new momentum to progress global issues Tristram Sainsbury and Hannah Wurf Australian Financial Review 13 November 2015Hannah Wurf , Tristram Sainsbury
Paris attacks cast a shadow over 2015 G20 Summit
By the Lowy Institute's G20 Fellow Tristram Sainsbury and Research Associate Hannah Wurf The 2015 G20 Leaders' Summit will be remembered for taking place in the aftermath of the…
What do G20 leaders need to focus on to make Antalya a success?
The G20’s tenth leaders' summit will take place in Antalya, Turkey at the end of this week. Predictions about what will eventuate from the Summit vary from John Kirton’s…
Drop the currency manipulation grudge to reap the benefits of a bigger TPP
With the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) finally revealed, commentators, specialists and interest-groups can immerse themselves in the 6000 pages (with important side…
India's interests are aligning with Australia's; now Modi must grasp the opportunity
As the fastest growing economy in Asia, many countries are vying for India's attention. India's understaffed Ministry of External Affairs is constantly grappling with the demands…