Global Issues

A decisive month for Covid-19 in Myanmar – and region beyond
A decisive month for Covid-19 in Myanmar – and region beyond
As Thailand shut down its border last month, a wave of migrant workers jostled shoulder-to-shoulder back through the Myawaddy crossing to Myanmar. Some 45,498 Myawaddy…
Washington could win hearts and minds in Iran
Washington could win hearts and minds in Iran
Originally published in The Australian.
What price privacy? Contact tracing apps to combat Covid
What price privacy? Contact tracing apps to combat Covid
Few in the West would have imagined two months ago that their government would consider tracking their personal mobile phones. But as Covid-19 rapidly sweeps through cities and…
In the US, a campaign with no trail
In the US, a campaign with no trail
In the midst of a public health pandemic, the 2020 presidential election has receded into the background of American political life. Candidates have been forced off the campaign…
Covid-19: Why did global health governance fail?
Covid-19: Why did global health governance fail?
The system that has been developed to provide a global response to epidemics and pandemics has failed miserably. Covid-19 has spread all over the world, shutting down entire…
The Director’s Chair Ep. 1: Susan Glasser and Peter Baker on COVID-19, America and Trump
The Director’s Chair Ep. 1: Susan Glasser and Peter Baker on COVID-19, America and Trump
In the first episode of The Director's Chair, a new Lowy Institute podcast, Michael Fullilove speaks with Susan Glasser of The New Yorker and Peter Baker of The New York Times…
Australia should offer Indonesia crisis insurance ­– quickly
Australia should offer Indonesia crisis insurance ­– quickly
The Morrison government needs to urgently consider how it might best help Indonesia manage the economic risks posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Indonesia faces a perilous outlook…
Covid-19 and Pacific labour
Covid-19 and Pacific labour
As borders close and globalisation contracts, consider the impact on the Pacific Island neighbours. Many countries in the region rely on labour mobility, with workers sent to…
As Africa prepares to fight Covid-19, China steps up
As Africa prepares to fight Covid-19, China steps up
As China slowly begins to recover from Covid-19 and re-start its economy, it is seeking to position itself at the head of the global virus response and fill the void in…
Trading our way out of the Covid-19 lockdown
Trading our way out of the Covid-19 lockdown
To emerge in the best way possible from the Covid-19 pandemic requires us to understand the nature of the economic crisis. Our slowdown has arisen from deliberately-introduced…