Global Issues

Covid-19: Refugees at risk
Covid-19: Refugees at risk
The first case of Covid-19 was detected near the world’s largest refugee camp last month. Human rights groups fear it’s only matter of time before it spreads among the roughly one…
US regional leadership: A shot across the bow
US regional leadership: A shot across the bow
For years at the Shangri-La Dialogue, the pre-eminent meeting of defence ministers held in Singapore, successive secretaries of defence from the United States have repeated ad…
A French perspective on Australia’s role in the Indian Ocean
A French perspective on Australia’s role in the Indian Ocean
Every government is struggling with the Covid-19 crisis, with one eye to the post-coronavirus world. In this context, it may be worth looking at the French perception of Australia…
Presenting The Interpreter self-isolation cooking special
Presenting The Interpreter self-isolation cooking special
Jamie Oliver stamped “like” on my tweet about cooking a deep pan pizza on the weekend, so that’s my self-isolation menu approval sorted. Celebrity chef endorsement – tick. …
A post-Covid world and the limits of “America first”
A post-Covid world and the limits of “America first”
The Covid-19 pandemic is a great leveller – a fearsome test of governments and governing philosophies the world over. Democracies and autocracies alike have been exposed and found…
Xi Jinping emerges stronger from Covid-19 outbreak
Xi Jinping emerges stronger from Covid-19 outbreak
The tardy response by the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) to the Covid-19 outbreak triggered widespread community outrage. But Beijing’s draconian crackdown, paired with…
Coronavirus: Global giants stumble while agile nations inspire
Coronavirus: Global giants stumble while agile nations inspire
Lowy Institute Executive Director Michael Fullilove writes on the ways COVID-19 will alter some of the patterns of international life. Originally published in The Australian.
A global call to arms
A global call to arms
With confirmed Covid-19 cases now well past the million mark, most of the world is looking inward. Many countries feel overwhelmed by their local fight against the virus. But…
How the virus could stagger Asia's giants
How the virus could stagger Asia's giants
COVID-19 looks set to hit the emerging world hard. For Australia, what happens in India and Indonesia could be most consequential. Originally published in the Australian Financial…
Japanese whaling is down but not out
Japanese whaling is down but not out
Even before the coronavirus pandemic began to dominate the news, and as Australia’s bush fires took most of the media oxygen, this past summer was an unusually quiet period in the…