Global Issues

COVIDcast Episode 5: Pandemic in the Pacific
COVIDcast Episode 5: Pandemic in the Pacific
COVIDcast is a Lowy Institute pop-up podcast for anyone interested in understanding the effect of coronavirus on global politics. Each week for the next few weeks, Lowy Institute…
Covid-19: Averting economic disaster in the Pacific
Covid-19: Averting economic disaster in the Pacific
Six locations across the Pacific Islands region now have confirmed cases of Covid-19. Many of these countries are already ravaged with major diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis…
COVIDcast Episode 5: Pandemic in the Pacific
COVIDcast Episode 5: Pandemic in the Pacific
In episode 5 of COVIDcast, Lowy Institute’s Director of Research, Alex Oliver, sat down with Jonathan Pryke and Shane McLeod to discuss how the crisis of coronavirus is…
Timor-Leste: The consequences of Covid-19
Timor-Leste: The consequences of Covid-19
As of today, Timor-Leste has one confirmed case of Covid-19. Nonetheless, the feeling of panic among the public has been mounting. There is a valid reason for this: Timor-Leste’s…
The danger meme: Countering visual disinformation in Asia’s politics
The danger meme: Countering visual disinformation in Asia’s politics
As some Asian countries gear up for elections in the later part of 2020, tackling the spread of malicious disinformation is a priority. Even as South Korea battles to control the…
Covid-19 is not only a health crisis, it’s a migration crisis
Covid-19 is not only a health crisis, it’s a migration crisis
As Covid-19 spreads around the globe, it is precipitating a series of other shocks, one of which is a crisis in human movement. Australia, as one of the key migrant-receiving…
Covid-19: Jokowi must win back his people’s trust after early missteps
Covid-19: Jokowi must win back his people’s trust after early missteps
Indonesia troubles are mounting fast. The country continues to see an increase in the number of confirmed Covid-19 cases since discovering its first two on 2 March. In the weeks…
China-US geopolitics in the age of corona
China-US geopolitics in the age of corona
The coronavirus pandemic is a “black swan” moment: a rare and unpredictable event that could have momentous, system-wide, and unforeseen consequences. China deserves credit for…
What if the realists are right?
What if the realists are right?
If there’s one thing we can be confident about at the moment, it’s that policymakers won’t be turning to international relations (IR) specialists for advice on how to handle a…
Coping with crisis: How much “resilience” is on display?
Coping with crisis: How much “resilience” is on display?
“Resilience” has become a popular concept in 21st century life. In times of far-reaching social and economic change, with increasing stress and strain on both individual and…