Global Issues

When no shots are heard around the world
When no shots are heard around the world
Time may be linear, but history really can play tricks and throw up oddities of connection. Take the tennis. Just over a century ago – a Sunday, 28 June 1914, a 19-year-old named…
A rare spate of headlines out of Laos last month trilled about a new bullet train that runs from the capital Vientiane to China, with the government heavily in debt after the…
A climate changed – Best of The Interpreter 2021
A climate changed – Best of The Interpreter 2021
With Australia spared the urgency of a major bushfire disaster over the summer, Roland Rajah foresaw a rapid and positive shift for the country in the economics of climate change…
Covid-19 and -20 and -21 … Best of The Interpreter 2021
Covid-19 and -20 and -21 … Best of The Interpreter 2021
The year began with a simple question that everyone wanted answered: can vaccines offer an exit plan from Covid-19? Rania MacIntrye: There are more than 60 vaccines in clinical…
What’s the worst that could happen? Tackling existential risk
What’s the worst that could happen? Tackling existential risk
What would happen if you decided to cross the road without checking the traffic? Odds are that you’d survive unscathed. But do it enough times and you’re likely to come a cropper…
China, Australia, and the Internet of Things
China, Australia, and the Internet of Things
The world is being transformed by the Internet of Things (the IoT) as ever more devices and activities are linked through the internet and endowed with computing power. This…
The Interpreter’s 2021 favourites: reconnecting with music and art
The Interpreter’s 2021 favourites: reconnecting with music and art
Our end-of-year series as the Lowy Institute staff offer their favourite books, articles, films or TV programs for 2021. Watch for more recommendations and reflections…
Covid in Asia: the immediate payoff of donating vaccines
Covid in Asia: the immediate payoff of donating vaccines
Covid-19 has loomed large over everything again this year and the new Omicron variant is a warning that there is still plenty of fight left in the virus. But the pandemic is…
Only a truly national security strategy can forestall disaster
Only a truly national security strategy can forestall disaster
There is much talk of war drums beating, China battles and military deployments to North East Asia. Such visions are improbable and distant, and even if they occurred, Australia…
Honouring the dead on the path to Korean peace
Honouring the dead on the path to Korean peace
Almost 70 years on, the Korean war is still not formally over. The United States and South Korea are in the final stages of drafting an end-of-war declaration text. Since his…