
India’s clever alliances with island states
India’s clever alliances with island states
As India struggles to manage China’s economic and diplomatic influence in its immediate neighbourhood, it has recently made progress in building more robust ties with four crucial…
Finally, some plain talk on the Quad
Finally, some plain talk on the Quad
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave a foreign policy speech to the Heritage Foundation on Tuesday. Australia’s foreign policy analysts can be very grateful for these candid…
Could Australia unlock the Kashmir question?
Could Australia unlock the Kashmir question?
The Indian government’s lockdown of the strategic and volatile region of Kashmir is entering into its third month. Thousands of troops are deployed in the valley with shoot on…
Plogging along: India-China struggle to find momentum
Plogging along: India-China struggle to find momentum
You may have seen photos in recent days of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi hunched over a beach, picking up rubbish. While the images presented an opportunity for media to…
India’s RCEP reticence
India’s RCEP reticence
Despite the modern proliferation of free trade agreements, there is an enormous gap between free trade as it is understood and advocated by those who benefit from it, and free…
To take – not retake ­– “Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir”
To take – not retake ­– “Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir”
Increasingly, we are seeing reports that senior Indian politicians want India to obtain what New Delhi calls “Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir” (POK). It’s hard to know how seriously to…
So-called media abundance still leaves blind spots with our neighbours
So-called media abundance still leaves blind spots with our neighbours
A rare image on social media of Indonesian paratroopers dropping into the troubled West Papua province this month was a stark reminder that, even in the age of 24/7 news,…
Narendra Modi, frequent flyer
Narendra Modi, frequent flyer
During Narendra Modi’s first five years in office, the Indian prime minister made 93 foreign visits, equalling the number of trips his predecessor, Manmohan Singh, made over an…
A fugitive preacher ignites controversy in Malaysia
A fugitive preacher ignites controversy in Malaysia
Zakir Naik is an Indian preacher of Islam who currently calls Malaysia home. Described by the Washington Post as a “rock star of tele-evangelism”, he is also a fugitive, having…
Pressure upon pressure builds around Kashmir
Pressure upon pressure builds around Kashmir
The political talk in South Asia at this moment is reminiscent of the 1990s. The Taliban are returning to Afghanistan and conflict is escalating between India and Pakistan in a…